Caddisflies within the genus Gumaga are generally considered shredders (i.e., consumers of leaf litter) or grazers (i.e., consumers of algae). We report on observations of Gumaga nigricula scavenging animal carcasses within and adjacent to isolated pools along intermittent reaches of Coyote Creek, Santa Clara County, California, USA. In particular, during the summer of 2018, we observed G. nigricula scavenging fish carcasses within isolated pools as well as bits of flesh from the bones of a black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) deposited on the stream bank. To the best of our knowledge, our observations represent the first published record of Gumaga spp. scavenging animal carcasses. Our observations also highlight how deteriorating conditions within isolated pools create a late-summer resource pulse for scavengers.