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1 August 2024 Review of the Parasitoid Wasp Genus Cratichneumon Thomson (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from Arizona's Sky Islands, with Descriptions of Eleven New Species
Brandon Claridge, Ryan Helcoski, David B. Wahl, James Pitts
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We review the parasitoid wasp genus Cratichneumon Thomson (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Ichneumoninae) from the Madrean Archipelago of southeastern Arizona and describe 11 new species: C. antichromus Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., C. arussatus Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., C. elongatus Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., C. fossorius Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., C. igniferus Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., C. luteus Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., C. permagnus Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., C. scabriculus Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., C. symmixtus Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., C. tetragonops Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., and C. warneri Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov. Cratichneumon russatus (Cresson, 1877) syn. nov. is proposed as a junior synonym of C. astutus (Holmgren, 1868). New distribution records are presented for C. arizonensis (Viereck, 1905), C. astutus (Holmgren, 1868), and C. flaschkai Heinrich, 1973, extending their range far into the Sierra Madre Occidental in Mexico. Despite the present advances, there are still significant unresolved questions. For instance, the females of 3 species remain unidentified, no biological information is known for any of the species, and our knowledge of the distribution of all species is undoubtedly highly fragmentary. The discovery of so many unknown Cratichneumon species in Arizona highlights the paucity of our knowledge of Ichneumoninae in western North America.

Aquí revisamos el género Cratichneumon Thomson (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Ichneumoninae) del archipiélago Madrense del sureste de Arizona y describen once nuevas especies: C. antichromus Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., C. arussatus Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., C. elongatus Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., C. fossorius Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., C. igniferus Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., C. luteus Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., C. permagnus Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., C. scabriculus Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., C. symmixtus Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., C. tetragonops Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov., y C. warneri Claridge & Helcoski sp. nov. También, C. russatus (Cresson, 1877) se propone como sinónimo junior de C. astutus (Holmgren, 1868). Se presentan nuevos registros de distribución para C. arizonensis (Viereck, 1905), C. astutus (Holmgren, 1868), y C. flaschkai Heinrich, 1973, extendiendo su área de distribución hasta la Sierra Madre Occidental en México. A pesar de los avances actuales, todavía existen importantes preguntas sin resolver. Por ejemplo, las hembras de tres especies siguen sin identificar, no se conoce información biológica de ninguna de las especies y nuestro conocimiento sobre la distribución de todas las espécies es sin duda sumamente fragmentario. El descubrimiento de tantos de especies desconocido de Cratichneumon en Arizona destaca la escasez de nuestro conocimiento de Ichneumoninae en el oeste de América del Norte.

Brandon Claridge, Ryan Helcoski, David B. Wahl, and James Pitts "Review of the Parasitoid Wasp Genus Cratichneumon Thomson (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from Arizona's Sky Islands, with Descriptions of Eleven New Species," Western North American Naturalist 84(3), 269-319, (1 August 2024).
Received: 6 December 2023; Accepted: 22 February 2024; Published: 1 August 2024
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