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29 November 1996 Studies on the flora of the Guianas n° 84. New records for French Guiana, 1992–1994
Michel Hoff, Georges Cremers, John Boggan
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The species richness of French Guiana is still imperfectly known. Based on an analysis of the entries in the ‘Flora of French Guiana database’, AUBLET, and the comparison with the checklist for the Guianas edited in 1992, its known flora grew richer within three years, from 1992 to 1994, by 308 new species and infraspecific taxa, i. e. at a rate of 5.9%. At present, the known flora of French Guiana consists of 5206 species and infraspecific taxa of higher plants (3662 dicotyledons, 1187 monocotyledons, 353 pteridophytes and 4 gymnosperms). The new records for French Guiana comprise 117 taxa already recorded from Surinam and/or Guyana, 92 taxa new for the three Guianas, 39 taxa new to science, 37 formerly doubtful and now confirmed records of taxa, and 23 new records of taxa of uncertain status. The vast majority of the new records is based on material collected within the last 30 years; two thirds come from the dense lowland forests, 60 % are trees, 30 % lianas and epiphytes, 10% terrestrial herbaceous plants.

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Michel Hoff, Georges Cremers, and John Boggan "Studies on the flora of the Guianas n° 84. New records for French Guiana, 1992–1994," Willdenowia 26(1/2), 301-320, (29 November 1996).
Published: 29 November 1996
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