While preparing a revision of the African species of Amorphophallus some new taxa have been recognized. A. barthlottii (Ivory Coast and Liberia), A. canaliculatus (Gabon), A. hetterscheidii (Gabon, Zaire and Central African Republic), A. impressus (Tanzania and Malawi), A. margretae (Zaire), A. richardsiae (Zambia), A. abyssinicus subsp. akeassii (Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria), and A calabaricus subsp. mayoi (Zaire, Uganda and Kenya) are described as new to science.
W. Barthlott
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W. L. A. Hetterscheid
S. Ittenbach
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W. L. A. Hetterscheid
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S. R. Yadav
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S. Ittenbach
1997: Revision der afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Amorphophallus (Araceae).— Dissertation Univ. Bonn. Google Scholar
S. J. Mayo
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R. M. Polhill
Flora of tropical East Africa. — Rotterdam & Boston. Google Scholar