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17 November 1997 Astragalus serpentinicola (A. sect. Sisyrophorus, Leguminosae), a new species from SW Turkey
Hayri Duman &, Tuna Ekim
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Astragalus serpentinicola from the vicinity of Burdur in SW Anatolia, Turkey, is described as a species new to science, illustrated, and compared to A. aydosensis and A. pelliger, the only other members of A. sect. Sisyrophorus.

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Hayri Duman & and Tuna Ekim "Astragalus serpentinicola (A. sect. Sisyrophorus, Leguminosae), a new species from SW Turkey," Willdenowia 27(1/2), 181-184, (17 November 1997).
Published: 17 November 1997
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