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17 November 1997 New and noteworthy lichen records from the Ionian island of Kerkira (Corfu), Greece.
Steen N. Christensen, Ivan Pisút, Harrie J. M. Sipman
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Thirty-six lichen taxa are reported from Kerkira. Of these, nine taxa are new to Greece, namely Anthracocarpon virescens, Bactrospora patellarioides var. convexa, Gyalecta derivata, G. truncigena, Lecania koerberiana, Leptogium subtile, Opegrapha vulgata, Parmelia subrudecta, and Phaeophyscia hirsuta, and twelve taxa are new to Kerkira.

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Steen N. Christensen, Ivan Pisút, and Harrie J. M. Sipman "New and noteworthy lichen records from the Ionian island of Kerkira (Corfu), Greece.," Willdenowia 27(1/2), 265-272, (17 November 1997).
Published: 17 November 1997
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