This is the fourth of a series of miscellaneous contributions, by various authors, where hitherto unpublished data relevant to the Euro Med (or Sisyphus) Project are presented. This instalment deals with the families Chenopodiaceae, Compositae, Orobanchaceae and Gramineae, including new country and area records for taxa of Allagopappus, Anacyclus, Andryala, Aristida, Avena, Brachypodium, Cenchrus, Cladanthus, Digitaria, Eragrostis, Helichrysum, Megathyrsus, Panicum, Pennisetum, Pulicaria, Salicornia, Schizogyne, Senecio, Taraxacum and Triticum, and the validation of names in the genera Andryala, Elymus, Hieracium, Koeleria, Neoschischkinia, Orobanche, Pilosella, Secale and Senecio.
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P. W. Ball
J. R. Akeroyd
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D. M. Moore
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G. Beck von Mannagetta
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S. Berthelot
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S. Berthelot
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D. Bramwell
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O. Burchard
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L. Carlón
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L. Carlón
G. Gómez Casares
M. Laínz
G. Moreno Moral
Ó. Sánchez Pedraja
G. M. Schneeweiss
2008: Más, a propósito de algunas Phelipanche Pomel, Boulardia F. W. Schultz y Orobanche L. (Orobanchaceae) del oeste del Paleártico. — Doc. Jard. Bot. Atlántico 6. Google Scholar
W. D. Clayton
S. A. Renvoize
1982: Flora of tropical East Africa. Gramineae (Part 3). — Rotterdam. Google Scholar
M. B. Crespo
A. Pujadas
2006: Notas sobre Phelipaea reuteriana Rchb. f. (Orobanchaceae). — Fl. Montiber. 33: 27–31. Google Scholar
R. Dahmen
R. Wisskirchen
Salicornia L. — Pp. 447–450 in:
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H. Haeupler
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C. W. dePamphilis
N. D. Young
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1997: Evolution of plastid gene rps2 in a lineage of hemi-parasitic and holoparasitic plants: many losses of photosynthesis and complex patterns of rate variation. —
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M. J. Y. Foley
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G. Gottschlich
2009: Die Gattung Hieracium (Compositae) in der Region Abruzzen (Italien). — Stapfia 89. Google Scholar
W. Greuter
E. von Raab-Straube
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W. Greuter
E. von Raab-Straube
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A. Hansen
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J. F. Manen
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G. M. Schneeweiss
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D. L. Nickrent
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K. E. Steiner
C. W. dePamphilis
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M. Piirainen
Salicornia L. — Pp. 50–54 in:
B. Jonsell
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B. Román
C. Alfaro
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A. Pujadas
D. Rubiales
2003: Genetic relationships among Orobanche species as revealed by RAPD analysis. —
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A. Santos-Guerra
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G. M. Schneeweiss
A. E. Colwell
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2004: Phylogeny of holoparasitic Orobanche (Orobanchaceae) inferred from nuclear ITS sequences. —
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G. M. Schneeweiss
T. Palomeque
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2004: Chromosome numbers and karyotype evolution in holoparasitic Orobanche (Orobanchaceae) and related genera. — Amer. J. Bot. 91: 439–448.
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C. Stierstorfer
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N. D. Young
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C. W. dePamphilis
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Google Scholar