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1 January 2013 Pelvic Peritoneum in Male Armadillo and Anteater (Xenarthra, Mammalia): A Comparative Survey
Lorenna Cardoso Rezende, Jussara Rocha Ferreira
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The literature supports the hypothesis that the pelvic excavation is the bottom of the abdominal cavity, which is covered by the peritoneal serous membrane in order to promote visceral dynamics. We studied the peritoneum in eight specimens of Xenarthra (Euphractus sexcinctus, Myrmecophaga tridactyla and Tamandua tetradactyla). The animals were fixed in formaldehyde (10%). For description and analyzes of the pelvic peritoneum, dissection and photo documentation were performed. We saw that the parietal serous membrane reflected, involving the pelvic viscera. The urorectal septum is the floor of the higher pelvis as a serosa reflection between the bladder and the rectum. The bladder and gonads are completely peritonized in adult armadillo. In anteaters and young armadillos, the testicles are in a position analogous to the uterus, joined by the conjunctive septum at the midline and along with the bladder, they partially project to the higher and lower pelvis. In Myrmecophagidae, vesicogenital, rectogenital and sacrorectal recesses were observed. In Dasypodidae, the recesses are similar to those of other recent vertebrates.

© 2013 Zoological Society of Japan
Lorenna Cardoso Rezende and Jussara Rocha Ferreira "Pelvic Peritoneum in Male Armadillo and Anteater (Xenarthra, Mammalia): A Comparative Survey," Zoological Science 30(1), 60-64, (1 January 2013).
Received: 6 February 2012; Accepted: 9 August 2012; Published: 1 January 2013
genital tract
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