Environmental Justice | August 2023
Environmental justice works to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status or race, have equal access to a clean and healthy environment. It addresses the disproportionate burden of pollution and environmental hazards that marginalized communities often face, promoting fairness and equity. By prioritizing environmental justice, we can create sustainable and inclusive societies that protect human health, biodiversity, and the planet for future generations.
The August 2023 edition of BioOne VISTA spotlights research in environmental justice from BioOne Complete partner publishers, including the African Journal of Wildlife Research, Anthropozoologica, Environmental Health Insights, The International Forestry Review, Politics and the Life Sciences, and more.
Botswana Communities' Adaptive Capacity to the Lifting of a Trophy Hunting Ban
African Journal of Wildlife Research
Editorial: Combining the Science and Practice of Restoration Ecology—Case studies of a Grassroots Binational Restoration Collaborative in the Madrean Archipelago Ecoregion (2014-2019)
Air, Soil and Water Research
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Reimagining a Culture of Equality (R.A.C.E.) Lesson: Discussing Race in the Science Classroom Using a 5E Approach
The American Biology Teacher
Longitudinal Career Survey of Entomology Doctoral Graduates Suggests That Females Are Disadvantaged in Entomology Job Market
Annals of the Entomological Society of America
The effects of situation analysis practices on implementation of poverty alleviation projects in the coast of Kenya
Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management
‘Our Happy Hour Became a Hungry Hour’: Logging, Subsistence and Social Relations in Solomon Islands
The International Forestry Review
Enteroparasites in a Population in Deprived Conditions from Province of Valencia (Spain)
The Journal of Parasitology
Who Is Vulnerable and Where Do They Live? Case Study of Three Districts in the Uttarakhand Region of India Himalaya
Mountain Research and Development
Our past creates our present: a brief overview of racism and colonialism in Western paleontology
The pre-political origins and policy consequences of environmental justice concern
Politics and the Life Sciences
Considerations of Medical Preparedness to Assess and Treat Various Populations During a Radiation Public Health Emergency
Radiation Research
Determinants of Agropastoralist Households' Fodder Accessibility and Rangeland Conservation in Magu District, Tanzania
Rangeland Ecology & Management
Coming in August 2023:
Our next BioOne VISTA collection will feature research from botanical gardens and researchers affiliated with botanical gardens.
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