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1 December 2009 The Tardigrada of Southern Africa, with the Description of Minibiotus harrylewisi, a New Species from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (Eutardigrada: Macrobiotidae)
Harry A. Meyer, Juliana G. Hinton
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Nine species of tardigrades (Phylum Tardigrada) were found in moss and lichen samples in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, with two species being also present in Lesotho. Macrobiotus richtersi, Minibiotus intermedius, Hypsibius convergens, Ramazzottius theroni, Milnesium tardigradum, and Echiniscus duboisi were previously known to be part of the southern African fauna, Macrobiotus iharosi has not been reported before from this region. One species, Macrobiotus cf. echinogenitus, could be identified only to species complex because eggs were not found. One South African species, Minibiotus harrylewisi sp. n., is new to science and is described and illustrated. It differs from other Minibiotus species in its adult cuticle and its egg ornamentation. It most closely resembles M. furcatus, from which it differs in having smooth lunules on leg IV, smaller eyes, smaller and more rounded posterior cuticular pores, and eggs with a smooth shell and much longer, non-bifurcate processes. These new records bring to 61 the number of tardigrade species reported from southern African mosses, lichens and soil.

Harry A. Meyer and Juliana G. Hinton "The Tardigrada of Southern Africa, with the Description of Minibiotus harrylewisi, a New Species from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (Eutardigrada: Macrobiotidae)," African Invertebrates 50(2), 255-268, (1 December 2009).
Published: 1 December 2009
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new records
new species
South Africa
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