The polypore genera Antrodiella, Junghuhnia and Steccherinum have been proven polyphyletic, and are here partly revised based on phylogenetic and morphological evidence. The new genera Antella Miettinen, Austeria Miettinen, Butyrea Miettinen, Citripora Miettinen and Trulla Miettinen & Ryvarden are described, and the poroid-hydnoid Metuloidea re-introduced. Two new species are described: Citripora bannaensis Miettinen from subtropical China and Trulla meridae Miettinen & Ryvarden from the Venezuelan Andes. Twenty-one new combinations in the above-mentioned genera and Steccherinum are made. Lectotypes are selected for Physisporus flavicans P. Karst. (= Butyrea luteoalba) and P. variecolor P. Karst. (= Trechispora hymenocystis).
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13 May 2016
Polypore Genera Antella, Austeria, Butyrea, Citripora, Metuloidea and Trulla (Steccherinaceae, Polyporales)
Otto Miettinen,
Leif Ryvarden
Annales Botanici Fennici
Vol. 53 • No. 3–4
August 2016
Vol. 53 • No. 3–4
August 2016