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6 December 2019 Comparative effect of alternative fertilisers on pasture production, soil properties and soil microbial community structure
Fiona J. Leech, Alan E. Richardson, Michael A. Kertesz, Beverley A. Orchard, Samiran Banerjee, Phillip Graham
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Different fertiliser products are commonly promoted for use on pastures in order to improve pasture productivity and support a more ‘healthy’ soil microbial environment. However, minimal field research has been conducted to validate such claims. A 6-year study (2009–14) was conducted on phosphorus (P)-deficient soils at three sites near Yass, New South Wales, to investigate the effect of topdressing perennial native-based pastures with a range of alternative fertilisers compared with single superphosphate and an unfertilised control treatment. The alternative fertiliser products included manures, composts, crushed rock, rock-phosphate-derived products, concentrated ash and microbial products. Annual measurements were made of soil chemical properties, botanical composition and pasture yield during spring and/or winter + spring, as well as the relative effectiveness of products per unit of pasture grown. Soil microbial community structure under each fertiliser treatment was also analysed in the sixth year of the study. Fertiliser products with substantial quantities of P increased extractable soil P and resulted in significantly higher pasture growth and clover content compared with the unfertilised control. Superphosphate was found to be the most P-effective fertiliser for increasing pasture growth, along with a range of other products that showed differential responses. However, the cost and P-effectiveness of the products in relation to pasture growth varied considerably and was a function of rate and frequency of application as well as amount and solubility of the P applied. Despite large differences in pasture growth across the various fertiliser treatments, there was no significant effect of the alternative fertiliser products on microbial community structure compared with either the superphosphate or unfertilised control treatments. The observed variation in bacterial, fungal and archaeal community structures across all fertiliser treatments was best explained by soil pH or aluminium (Al) concentration, which was influenced differentially by the fertiliser products. Fungal community structure was also correlated with pasture-productivity parameters (i.e. spring pasture yield, clover content and soil-available P). Our findings reveal a highly resilient soil microbial community that was influenced minimally by use of the alternative fertiliser products, thus highlighting that on-farm management decisions regarding fertiliser product choice should primarily focus on pasture response and cost-effectiveness.

Journal compilation © CSIRO 2019
Fiona J. Leech, Alan E. Richardson, Michael A. Kertesz, Beverley A. Orchard, Samiran Banerjee, and Phillip Graham "Comparative effect of alternative fertilisers on pasture production, soil properties and soil microbial community structure," Crop and Pasture Science 70(12), 1110-1127, (6 December 2019).
Received: 13 January 2019; Accepted: 15 October 2019; Published: 6 December 2019
pasture growth
soil microbiology
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