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24 July 2018 Oviposition Strategies in Beneficial Insects
Eric W Riddick, Maria Luisa Dindo, Michael J Grodowitz, Ted E Cottrell
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AIMS AND SCOPE: The aim of this special collection is to highlight the importance of reproduction (ie, oviposition) in the life history, population dynamics, survival, and fitness of beneficial insects, broadly defined. Specific areas of interest include the (1) identification of natural products to boost oviposition; (2) importance of chemical cues in oviposition site selection; (3) influence of host plant defenses on oviposition success; (4) reproductive physiology and the frequency of egg laying; (5) trade-offs between maternal size and egg size; (6) foraging behavior, host selection, and oviposition in parasitoids; and (7) oviposition decisions in the face of intraguild predators.


Successful oviposition leading to egg hatch is essential to the survival and fitness of beneficial insects. Several theories have been proposed to explain how females make decisions on when and where to oviposit. In short, oviposition strategies rely on chemical and/or physical cues that facilitate female predators choosing suitable substrates or female parasitoids choosing the host environment and suitable hosts.1,2 These cues influence oviposition decisions thus increasing the likelihood that immature stages will develop successfully to the adult stage. In this special collection, the oviposition strategies of 2 tachinid flies, salvinia weevil, and a ladybird beetle are described, from an applied (rather than fundamental) perspective.

Brief Summary

Tachinid flies are important parasitoids of herbivorous insects, especially larval lepidopterans.3 A few species have been used in applied biological control to manage populations of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). The authors indicate that 2 tachinids, Exorista larvarum and Exorista japonica, have the potential to control other lepidopterans, if knowledge of their biology, behavior, and host-parasitoid interactions can be increased and their mass rearing capacity optimized. The salvinia weevil (Cyrtobagous salviniae) is an effective herbivore of giant salvinia (Salvinia molesta), an aquatic plant introduced into the United States from South America in the late 1990s which causes major ecological and infrastructural problems in more than 20 tropical and subtropical countries.4 The authors developed methods and techniques to assess the physiological age of the ovaries of C salviniae.5 These techniques can be used to predict the reproductive health of a population. They can also be used to maximize the release of individuals in prime reproductive condition for biological control of giant salvinia. The predatory ladybird beetle Coleomegilla maculata is an important predator of insect pests (eg, aphids) on small fruits, vegetables, and several field crops. The authors discovered that polyphenols and bioflavonoids, identified in Eastern redcedar heartwood, stimulated oviposition behavior by C maculata.6 This research could be used to design cost-effective mass rearing operations with the goal of producing large quantities of ladybird beetles for biological control of plant pests, such as aphids.

Future Directions

Although this special collection included just 3 papers, this does not diminish the importance of oviposition strategies to the success of many species of beneficial insects. The 3 papers, however, illustrate different case studies and may thus stimulate research in the field of oviposition strategies in a variety of beneficial insects. Areas of study that researchers could pursue in the near future include an examination of the chemical and physical cues involved in selection of hosts by parasitoids and oviposition substrates by predators. The influence of these factors regarding oviposition strategies is largely unknown, for most species. The elucidation of these cues will involve collaborative research between various disciplines, especially biochemistry and entomology, and likely from different countries. The results of this research should lead to technological advancements fostering applied biological control of insect and weed pests, throughout the world.

Lead Guest Editor DR ERIC W RIDDICK

Dr Eric W Riddick is a Research Entomologist at the USDA-ARS National Biological Control Laboratory, Stoneville, MS, USA. He completed his PhD in Entomology at the University of California, Berkeley, California, USA, and has previously worked at the US Environmental Protection Agency. He now works primarily on the mass production of natural enemies in support of biological control of insects and mites. Dr Riddick is the author or co-author of more than 75 published papers and has presented at more than 45 conferences. He holds editorial appointments at the Journal of Economic Entomology (Entomological Society of America) and the Bulletin of Insectology (University of Bologna). Learn more about Dr Riddick by visiting his institutional Web page:



Guest Editors


Dr Maria Luisa Dindo is an Associate Professor of General and Applied Entomology at the University of Bologna, Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (Italy). She completed her PhD at the University of Bologna and has also worked at the Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy). She now works primarily in the biology and rearing of tachinid parasitoids. Dr Dindo is the author or co-author of 96 published papers and has presented at 26 conferences and holds editorial appointments (Executive Editor) at Bulletin of Insectology. Learn more about Dr Dindo by visiting her institutional Web page:



Guest Editors


Dr Michael J Grodowitz is a Supervisory Research Entomologist and Research Leader for the Biological Control of Pests Research Unit at the USDA-ARS National Biological Control Laboratory, Stoneville, MS, USA. He completed his PhD at Kansas State University in Entomology in 1985 and has previously worked at the US Army Corps of Engineers Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS, USA. He now works primarily on the use of biological control for the management of invasive insect and plant species. Dr Grodowitz is the author or co-author of more than 60 published papers, symposia articles, and book chapters; has presented at more than 130 conferences; and holds an editorial appointment at the Journal of Aquatic Plant Management. Learn more about Dr Grodowitz by visiting his institutional Web page:



Guest Editors


Dr Ted E Cottrell is a research entomologist at the USDA-ARS Southeastern Fruit and Tree Nut Research Laboratory in Byron, GA, USA. His work concerns orchard IPM focusing primarily on pecan and peach. Dr Cottrell is the author or co-author of more than 80 published papers. Learn more about Dr Cottrell by visiting the Southeastern Fruit and Tree Nut Research Laboratory Web page:





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Eisenberg L Johnson S Grodowitz MJ. The reproductive morphology and physiological age grading of the female salvinia weevil, Cyrtobagous salviniae Calder and Sands. Int J Insect Sci. 2017;10:1-8. Google Scholar


Riddick EW Wu Z Eller FJ Berhow MA. Do bioflavonoids in Juniperus virginiana heartwood stimulate oviposition in the ladybird Coleomegilla maculata? Int J Insect Sci. 2018;10:1-13. Google Scholar


[1] Contributed by All authors contributed equally to the writing and editing of the first and final drafts of this article.


[2] Financial disclosure The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article: The USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Southeast Area supported the research and authorship of this article.

[3] Conflicts of interest The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

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Eric W Riddick, Maria Luisa Dindo, Michael J Grodowitz, and Ted E Cottrell "Oviposition Strategies in Beneficial Insects," International Journal of Insect Science 10(1), (24 July 2018).
Received: 22 May 2018; Accepted: 6 June 2018; Published: 24 July 2018
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