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1 July 2017 De Novo Assembly and Characterization of Transcriptome in Somatic Muscles of the Polychaete Perinereis aibuhitensis
Fu Lv, Tian Wang, Fei Liu, Yebing Yu, Guo Qiao, Linlan Lv, Zisheng Wang, Zhitao Qi
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Lv, F.; Wang, T.; Liu, F.; Yebing, Y.; Qiao, G.; Wang, Z., and Qi, Z., 2017. De novo assembly and characterization of transcriptome in somatic muscles of the polychaete Perinereis aibuhitensis.

The polychaete Perinereis aibuhitensis is a common species distributed throughout coastal and estuarine regions with growing importance in aquaculture. However, the knowledge of molecular mechanism of physiology and pathology of this polychaete has been limited. In this study, the transcriptome of somatic muscles of P. aibuhitensis was sequenced using the Illumina HisSeq 2000 sequencing platform. As a result, 53,204 unigenes with a length of 63,967,647 base pairs (bp) were obtained, among which 29,797, 9951, and 24,844 unigenes were matched in the nonredundant, nucleotide, and Swiss-Prot databases, respectively. Gene ontology analysis revealed that 9938 unigenes were classified into three categories: biological process, cellular component, and molecular function. In addition, 21,756 unigenes were grouped into 257 annotated pathways in the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes database. More importantly, genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis and metabolism, muscle contraction, and innate immunity of P. aibuhitensis were analyzed in detail. In addition, 4682 simple sequence repeats and 32,202 candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified from the P. aibuhitensis transcriptome. These data facilitate further studies of the physiology and molecular response of P. aibuhitensis. Furthermore, these results contribute to the molecular basis for coastal research worldwide, using P. aibuhitensis as a model animal in the fields of environmental ecology, toxicology, etc.

©Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Inc. 2017
Fu Lv, Tian Wang, Fei Liu, Yebing Yu, Guo Qiao, Linlan Lv, Zisheng Wang, and Zhitao Qi "De Novo Assembly and Characterization of Transcriptome in Somatic Muscles of the Polychaete Perinereis aibuhitensis," Journal of Coastal Research 33(4), 931-937, (1 July 2017).
Received: 2 May 2016; Accepted: 18 July 2016; Published: 1 July 2017
Fatty acids
Illumina HisSeq 2000
innate immunity
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