A new species of Demodex was detected in the earwax of a dog with otitis externa in Saitama Prefecture, Japan, in July 2010. The opisthosoma length of the mite was slightly shorter than 1/2 of its body length, which was different from the other species in domestic dogs, D. canis and D. injai, but was similar to the form of mites termed “short-bodied species”, including D. cornei. However, the stubby external form was morphologically different from those of “short-bodied species”, excluding a case without a species description reported from Greece. Among known species, the mite was similar to D. equi and D. acutipes.
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4 January 2018
A New Stubby Species of Demodectic Mite (Acari: Demodicidae) From the Domestic Dog (Canidae)
Tatsushi Morita,
Aki Ohmi,
Akihito Kiwaki,
Kazunori Ike,
Katsuyuki Nagata
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Journal of Medical Entomology
Vol. 55 • No. 2
April 2018
Vol. 55 • No. 2
April 2018
Canis familiaris
new species