The sequential developmental cycle of Haplosporidium montforti, a recently described species from farmed abalone Haliotis tuberculata (Gastropoda), was studied. Ornamented and operculated mature spores were electron dense. The nucleus of the uninucleated free cell divided successively, giving rise to multinucleate plasmodia, containing up to 100–120 nuclei. Later, the plasmodia developed into sporonts inside sporocysts with irregular contours. Each of their nuclei gave rise to uninucleate sporoblasts. At the next phase of development, a very irregular membranous group of cisternae began to differentiate in the cytoplasm of each sporoblast, surrounding each nucleus and the adjacent cytoplasm. Each sporoblast differentiated into a spore. This process was characterized by the appearance of dense blisters of amorphous material at the periphery that gradually formed the prespore wall and pre-operculum. Simultaneously, in the endosporoplasm, the spherulosome and several haplosporosomes were formed. During the final phase of the maturation process, the spores became gradually denser, and the endosporoplasmic structures were barely visible.
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1 February 2008
Ultrastructural Developmental Cycle of Haplosporidium montforti (Phylum Haplosporidia) in its Farmed Abalone Host, Haliotis tuberculata (Gastropoda)
Carlos Azevedo,
Graça Casal,
Jaime Montes