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1 January 2020 A revision of the Chilean Brachyglutini – Part 2. Revision of Achilia Reitter, 1890: A. crassicornis, A. tumidifrons, A. bifossifrons, and A. lobifera species groups (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae)
Giorgio Sabella, Sergey A. Kurbatov, Giulio Cuccodoro
Author Affiliations +

The Achilia crassicornis, A. tumidifrons, A. bifossifrons, and A. lobifera species groups (sensuJeannel, 1962) of the species-rich genus AchiliaReitter, 1890 are revised. Of the twelve taxa previously placed in these four groups of species, two belong to different groups and will be treated in later papers (i.e. A. parvulaJeannel, 1962 and A. nahuelbutaeFranz, 1996 with the A. humidula and the A. cosmoptera groups, respectively), and five names are placed as junior synonyms: Achilia crassicornis antarcticaJeannel, 1962 and A. obscuraJeannel, 1962 = A. crassicornisJeannel, 1962 (syn. nov.); Achilia tumidifronsJeannel, 1962, A. globicepsJeannel, 1962 and A. paraglobicepsFranz, 1996 = A. larvata (Reitter, 1885) (syn. nov.). The lectotype and paralectotypes of A. larvata are designated. The five species left in these groups are redescribed, their distributions are detailed, and habitats/collecting data are summarized.


This article is the second contribution in a series dedicated to a taxonomic revision of the Brachyglutini of the temperate region of southern South America. After an overview of the taxonomic situation within the tribe, and a preliminary diagnosis of the species-rich genus Achilia Reitter (Kurbatov & Sabella, 2015), we here focus on the Achilia crassicornis, A. tumidifrons, A. bifossifrons, and A. lobifera species groups (sensu Jeannel, 1962). Their constitutive members are critically reexamined, and each species left in them is redescribed, its synonymic framework and distribution is detailed, and collecting data are summarized. The maintainence of these species groups of Achilia, which are mainly based on male sexual dimorphisms, as well as their possible phylogenetic relationships will be reassessed later.


This study is based on the examination of 6008 specimens.

The acronyms used in the present study refer to the following collections (relevant curator/collection manager acknowledged in parenthesis):


Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, Italy


Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, U.S.A. (J. H. Boone)


Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, Hungary (Gy. Makranczy)


Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Genève, Switzerland


Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France (T. Deuve and A. Taghavian)


Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago, Chile (M. Elgueta Donoso and Y. J. Sepulveda Guaico)


Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “G. Doria”, Genova, Italy (R. Poggi)


Naturhistorische Museum, Wien, Austria (H. Schillhammer)


Private collection of Peter Hlavác, Prague, Czech Republic (P. Hlavác)


University of New Hampshire Arthropod Collection, Durham, NH, U.S.A. (D.S. Chandler)

Under the sections “type material” or “additional material” the locality data are standardized, with indications of major administrative units (regions and provinces) and names of collectors in parentheses. When species were described from more than one specimen, Jeannel (1962) used to mention the locality of the “type” (i.e holotype) with its depository, followed by the depository(s) of the paratypes. For example at page 399 for Achilia crassicornis he states “type: Puerto Eden (Musée de Santiago) (paratypes au Muséum de Paris)”; however in the loaned material we received, topotypic specimens labelled as paratypes were present at both institutions, as well as from other localities listed by Jeannel in the distribution of the taxon. We decided to apply a restrictive interpretation of Jeannel's statements, and list all the specimens mislabelled as paratype under “additional material” according to our interpretation. The body length is measured from the anterior clypeal margin to the posterior margin of the last visible abdominal tergite. The length and width of the body parts were measured between points of maximum extension, e.g. the head length is measured between the anterior clypeal margin and the posterior margin of the neck; the head width includes the eyes, the elytral length along the suture line, and the elytral width is the total width of the two elytra taken together. The abdominal tergites are numbered based on order of visibility. Morphological terminology follows that of Chandler (2001), except that the abdominal sternites are termed ventrites here.


Genus Achilia Reitter, 1890

  • Achilia Reitter, 1890: 212 (new name for Bryaxis Raffray, 1890)

    Bryaxis Raffray, 1890: 123 (preoccupied, not Reitter, 1880).

    Achillia Raffray, 1904: 113 (misspelling).

    Clermontodes Jeannel 1950: 317.

  • Reitter (1890) introduced the generic name Achilia in replacement of Bryaxis Raffray, 1890, which was preoccupied by Bryaxis Reitter, 1880. Achilia was however consistently misspelled as Achillia since Raffray (1904) and subsequent authors until Newton & Chandler (1989), pointed out the correct original spelling.

  • Achilia crassicornis species group

  • Jeannel (1962: 397, 400) characterized this group as follows: elytra with 3 basal foveae; basal striae of abdominal tergite I separated at most by 1/3 of tergal width; head with broad transverse occipital hump in male; frons not narrowed anteriorly in female; male antennomere X very big and asymmetrical; copulatory pieces of aedeagus thin.

    This group currently includes A. crassicornis antarctica Jeannel, 1962; A. crassicornis crassicornis Jeannel, 1962; A. obscura Jeannel, 1962; A. parvula Jeannel, 1962, and A. nahuelbutae Franz, 1996. However, as A. parvula and A. nahuelbutae appeared to belong to the humidula and the cosmoptera groups respectively, and A. crassicornis antarctica and A. obscura are here placed as junior synonyms of A. crassicornis, the only taxon left in the crassicornis species group is A. crassicornis itself.

  • Achilia crassicornis Jeannel, 1962
    Figs 111, 21, 24, 31

  • Achilia crassicornis crassicornis Jeannel, 1962: 399, figs 144 (habitus) and 146 (aedeagus). - Franz, 1996: 114, fig. 61 (aedeagus).

    Achilia crassicornis antarctica Jeannel, 1962: 399, fig. 145 (aedeagus). - Franz, 1996: 114 syn. nov.

    Achilia obscura Jeannel, 1962: 401 syn. nov.

  • Type material (41 ex.): SOUTHERN CHILI: Región Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena: Antártica Chilena prov.: MHNS; 1 ♂ (holotype of Achilia crassicornis antarctica n° 1623); Navarino Island, Puerto Williams; 31.I.1957; G. Kuschel. – MNHN; 12 ♂ and 18 ♀ (paratypes of Achilia crassicornis antarctica); Navarino Island, Puerto Williams; 54° 56′S; 31.I.1957; G. Kuschel; Nothofagus betuloides and Nothofagus pumilio forest. – Última Esperanza prov.: MHNS; 1 ♂ (holotype of Achilia crassicornis crassicornis n° 1575); Puerto Eden; 06.XII.1958; G. Kuschel. – MNHN; 6 ♂ and 2 ♀ (paratypes of Achilia crassicornis crassicornis); Wellington Island, Puerto Eden, Carlos Islet; 49° 09′S; 06.XII.1958; G. Kuschel; Nothofagus betuloides dense forest. – MNHN; 1 ♀ (holotype of Achilia obscura; according to the original description the holotype of A. obscura should have been deposited in MHNS, however we found it in MNHN); Wellington Island, Puerto Eden, Carlos Islet; 49° 09′S; 600 m; 6.XII.1958; Nothofagus betuloides forest.

  • Additional material (2166 ex.): See Appendix 1.

  • Description: Body 1.50-1.75 mm long, reddish brown with head and abdomen sometimes slightly darker and palpi yellowish. Pubescence decumbent with dense and long setae, uniform on entire body. Head wider than long; frontal lobe short with rounded sides; surface smooth, shiny, with some minute punctures; vertexal sulcus deeply impressed and narrowed in middle; vertexal foveae shallow and large; eyes protruding, longer than convex temples. Pronotum wider than long and wider than head; posterior portion of lateral outlines sinuate; disc smoothly convex, shiny, with some small punctures; basal margin bordered with row of contiguous shallow impressions; median antebasal fovea smaller than lateral foveae. Elytra together wider than long with protruding humeri; disc smooth, shiny, with some small punctures; generally four basal foveae (two lateral foveae very close) or occasionally three (lateral foveae consisting of two combined foveae); sutural stria entire; discal stria extending to about elytral midlength. Legs slender. Abdomen smooth, shiny, with some minute punctures; tergite I with basal striae slightly diverging, extending to about one-third of paratergal length, separated at base by about one-third of tergal width, with short and sparse setal brush between striae.

  • Male: Head as in Figs 21 & 24, with occiput strongly convex. Antennae (Fig. 11) with scape distinctly longer than wide; pedicel slightly longer than wide; antennomeres III-VIII small and slightly tranverse; antennomere IX strongly transverse with protruding mesal margin; antennomere X strongly thickened, wider and longer than XI, medial side truncate with broad subtriangular fairly flat area entirely delimited by sharp low ridge and covered with short dense pubescence. Metasternum convex; ventral margin of mesotrochanters with small acute lateral spine; all tibiae unarmed. Abdominal tergites unmodified; ventrites IV-V slightly flattened at middle. Aedeagus (Figs 1–2) 0.39–0.41 mm long; dorsal plate ovoid with rounded sides and diverging dorsal strips starting from middle of dorsal plate; copulatory pieces each divided into two simple or bifurcated spreading branches slightly variable in shape (Figs 1–10). Parameres with outer outline only slightly convex or fairly straigth at level of middle seta; tips narrow recurved internally.

    Female: Similar to male except: head with occiput broadly convex, not swollen; antennomeres X and XI less wide than in male, X with medial side not truncate and shorter than XI; mesotrochanters and abdominal ventrites unmodified.

  • Collecting data: Collected from September to March, mainly in Nothophagus forests, but also in Araucaria, Saxegothaea conspicua and Fitzroya cupressoides forests, where it was found in remnants of forests or at their edges at elevations ranging from sea level up to 1500 m and the treeline. Most specimens came from sifted samples of leaf and log litter, moss, dead trunks, vegetable debris, and sometimes mushrooms, but other collecting techniques include car netting, flight intercept (window) traps, malaise traps, carrion traps, pan traps, and screen sweeping. Jeannel (1962) mentions specimens collected wandering on the sandy shores of Lacar Lake (Argentina, Neuquén province).

  • Distribution: Achilia crassicornis is distributed (Fig. 31) from the southernmost regions of Chile and Argentina to Central Chile (northernmost province: Ñuble) and Central Western Argentina (northernmost province: Neuquén). Records from Chepu (Chiloé prov.) come from Jeannel (1962). According to Jeannel (1962) it is the only species of Achilia to be so widespread in the Valdivian and Magellanes forests.

  • Comments: The holotype and only known specimen of A. obscura should be in the MHNS collection according to Jeannel (1962: 401, but it is in the MNHN collection. Moreover, in the catalog of the MHNS holotypes of insects (Camousseight, 1980) this taxon is not mentioned. Jeannel (1962) described A. antarctica as a subspecies of A. crassicornis that was characterized by having the pronotum barely transverse, the aedeagus larger with shorter paramere apices, and the internal sac with stouter copulatory pieces. He also described the new species A. obscura to accomodate specimens differing from A. crassicornis by having the body darker and slightly longer, as well as the basal striae of abdominal tergite I more narrowed. However, after examining abundant materials we concluded that these differences were overestimated and pertain to intraspecific variation, and consequently place here both A. crassicornis antarctica Jeannel, 1962 and A. obscura Jeannel, 1962 as junior synonyms of A. crassicornis Jeannel, 1962 (syn. nov.).

    Two males from Chiloé Island (San Pedro and Cucao) have the antennomeres X narrower with their medial side not truncate, but their aedeagi are similar to that of the other males of A. crassicornis that we examined, and the shape of their copulatory pieces (Figs 8–9) fall within the range of intraspecific variation that we observed for this structure.

  • Figs 1–10.

    Aedeagi (1–2) and variability of the internal sac (3–10) of Achilia crassicornis. (1) A. crassicornis crassicornis, paratype from Puerto Eden, Última Esperanza province. (2) A. crassicornis antarctica, paratype from Puerto Williams, Antártica Chilena province. (3) specimen from Cerro Castillo Natural Reserve, Coihaique province. (4) specimen from Ushuaia Mount San Martial, Tierra del Fuego province. (5) specimen from Aguas Calientes to Antillanca, Osorno province. (6) specimen from Playa Linda, Cautín province. (7) specimen from Conquillo National Park, Cautín province. (8) specimen from San Pedro, Chiloé province. (9) specimen from Cucao, Chiloé province. (10) specimen from Chiloé National Park, Chiloé province.


    Figs 11–13.

    Male antennae of Achilia. (11) A. crassicornis. (12) A. antennalis. (13) A. lobifera.


    Achilia parvula Jeannel, 1962

  • Achilia parvula Jeannel, 1962: 401.

    Comments: According to the original description the holotype and only known specimen of A. parvula should have been deposited in the MHNS, however we found it in the MNHN. In the catalog of the MHNS holotypes of insects (Camousseight, 1980) this taxon is not mentioned. It appears to be a female of the humidula group, which will be dealt with in a later paper.

  • Achilia nahuelbutae Franz, 1996

  • Achilia nahuelbutae Franz, 1996: 115, fig. 62 (aedeagus).

  • Comments: We have examined the type series of this species, which is housed in NHMW. The holotype appears to be a male of the cosmoptera group, while paratypes belong to at least two other Achilia species of the kindermanni and the grandiceps groups, and includes a specimen of the tribe Euplectini. All of these taxa except the member of the Euplectini will be dealt with in a later paper.

  • Achilia tumidifrons group

  • Jeannel (1962: 398, 402) characterized this group as follows: elytra with 2 basal foveae; basal striae of abdominal tergite I separated by 1/3 of tergal width; head with broad transverse occipital hump in male; frons not narrowed anteriorly in female; male antennomere X not enlarged; copulatory pieces of aedeagus thin.

    The group currently includes A. larvata (Reitter, 1885), A. tumidifrons Jeannel, 1962, A. globiceps Jeannel, 1962, and A. paraglobiceps Franz, 1996. However, we place all of these names as A. larvata, becoming the only constitutive member in the unfortunately named tumidifrons group.

  • Figs 14–20.

    Aedeagi (14–19) and the left paramere in lateral view (20) of Achilia. (14) A. tumidifrons, paratype from Chepu, Chiloé province. (15) A. larvata, lectotype from environs of Valdivia, Valdivia province. (16) A. globiceps, paratype from Frutillar, Llanquihue province. (17) A. bifossifrons, specimen from Salto Petrohué, Llanquihue province. (18) A. lobifera, specimen from Aguas Calientes, Osorno province. (19–20) A. antennalis, specimen from Princesa, Osorno province.


    Achilia larvata (Reitter, 1885)
    Figs 14–16, 22, 25, 32

  • Bryaxis larvata Reitter, 1885: 330, pl. 2, fig. 15 (head and antenna).

    Achilia larvata, Jeannel, 1962: 402, 403 fig. 149 (aedeagus).

    Achilia tumidifrons Jeannel, 1962: 402 figs 147 (habitus), 148 (aedeagus). - Franz, 1996: 115 syn. nov.

    Achilia globiceps Jeannel, 1962: 402, 403 fig. 50 (aedeagus). - Franz, 1996: 115 syn. nov.

    Achilia paraglobiceps Franz, 1996: 115 fig. 63 (aedeagus) syn. nov.

  • Type material (75 ex.): CENTRAL CHILI: Región Los Lagos: Chiloé prov.: MHNS; 1 ♂ (holotype of Achilia tumidifrons n° 1626); Chepu; 03.X.1958; G. Kuschel. - MNHN; 3 ♂ and 1 ♀ (paratypes of A. tumidifrons); Chepu; 42° 03′S; 02.X.1958; G. Kuschel; forest. – MNHN; 1 ♀ (paratype of A. tumidifrons); Chepu; 42° 03′S; 03.X.1958; G. Kuschel; forest. - MNHN; 1 ♀ (paratype of A. tumidifrons); Chepu; 42° 03′S; 04.X.1958; G. Kuschel; forest. – MNHN; 1 ♂ (paratype of A. tumidifrons); Chepu; 42° 03′S; 07.X.1958; G. Kuschel; forest. – MNHN; 2 ♀ (paratypes of A. tumidifrons); Chepu; 42° 03′S; 09.X.1958; G. Kuschel; forest. – MNHN; 2 ♂ and 11 ♀ (paratypes of A. tumidifrons); Chepu; 42° 03′S; 15.X.1958; G. Kuschel; forest. – MNHN; 5 ♂ and 3 ♀ (paratypes of A. tumidifrons); Chepu; 42° 03′S; 16.X.1958; G. Kuschel; Llanquihue prov.: MHNS; 1 ♂ (holotype of Achilia globiceps n° 1646); Frutillar; 20.IX.1954; G. Kuschel. – MNHN; 9 ♂ and 23 ♀ (paratypes of A. globiceps); Frutillar; 41° 08′S; 20.IX.1954; G. Kuschel. – Osorno prov.: NHMW; 1 ♂ (holotype of Achilia paraglobiceps); Puyehue National Park, Osorno, 1 km above the forestal house; 23.IX.1965; H. Franz; litter sifting in laurel forest. – Región Los Ríos: Valdivia prov.: MNHN (coll. Raffray); 9 ♂ (lectotype and paralectotypes of Achilia larvata here designated); Chili – HNMB; 1 ♀ (paralectotype of Achilia larvata here designated); Valdivia.

  • Additional material (1284 ex.): See Appendix 1.

  • Description: Body 1.25–1.40 mm long, reddish with darker head and abdomen, antennae, palpi and legs yellow-reddish. Pubescence decumbent with dense and long setae, uniform on entire body. Head wider than long; frontal lobe flattened with rounded sides; surface smooth, shiny, with some minute punctures; vertexal sulcus impressed; vertexal foveae shallow and large; eyes protruding, longer than convex temples. Pronotum wider than long and as wide as head, with maximal width on anterior half; posterior portion of lateral outlines sinuate; disc strongly convex, smooth and shiny; median antebasal fovea smaller than lateral foveae; basal margin bordered with row of contiguous shallow impressions. Elytra together wider than long with protruding humeri; disc smooth, shiny, with some minute punctures; three basal foveae (lateral fovea consisting of two combined foveae); sutural stria entire; discal stria extending to about elytral midlength. Legs slender. Abdomen smooth, with some minute punctures; tergite I with basal striae slightly diverging, extending to about one-third of paratergal length, separated at base by about one-third of tergal width, with short and sparse setal brush between striae.

    Male: Head as in Figs 22 & 25; width and convexity of occipital area variable, from conformation very similar to that in female to conspicuously swollen. Antennae with scape slightly longer than wide; pedicel distinctly longer than wide; antennomeres III-VIII small and slightly tranverse; antennomere IX strongly transverse; antennomere X strongly transverse, wider than IX, bearing conspicuous subapical tooth; antennomere XI elongate and as long as VII-X combined. Metasternum with narrow medial sulcus; ventral margin of mesotrochanters with small acute lateral spine; mesotibiae slightly enlarged on distal third and distinctly indented subapically. Abdominal tergites and ventrites unmodified. Aedeagus (Figs 14–16) 0.28–0.30 mm long; dorsal plate subrectangular with dorsal strips reduced in comparison with those in the other species treated here; copulatory pieces consisting of pair of long medial sclerites curved at base and apically pointed, with pair of short lateral sclerites apically trifurcated. Parameres not expanded in with outer outline only slightly convex or fairly straigth at level of middle seta; tips broadly recurved internally. Female: Similar to male except: head narrower with occiput broadly convex; antennomere XI shorter, not longer than VIII-X combined; mesotrochanters and mesotibiae unmodified.

  • Collecting data: Collected from September to March, mainly in Nothofagus / Podocarpus mixed forests at elevations ranging from sea level up to 700 m. Most specimens came from sifted samples of leaf and log litter, moss, branches, dead trunks, mushrooms, and other vegetable debris, but also were taken by flight intercept (window) and carrion traps.

  • Distribution: Achilia larvata is distributed in Central Chile from Chiloé northward to Ñuble provinces (Fig. 32).

  • Comments: According to Jeannel (1962) A. tumidifrons differs from A. larvata by a larger antennal club with antennomere XI two times as wide and four times as long as X (instead of just a little wider and three times longer than X in A. larvata), eyes shorter than temples (instead of longer than temples in A. larvata), the frontal tuberosity of male punctate (while smooth in A. larvata), the aedeagus with dorsal strips sinuate (while “not sinuate” in A. larvata), and parameres with apical part narrow, sides parallel to truncate apex (instead of apical part broad, with outer outlines slightly convergent and apically recurved in A. larvata). However, the aedeagal conformation of their types is very similar (Figs 14–15), and after examination of extensive materials it turned out that all these differences (when really present) have been strongly exagerated by Jeannel and fall according to us within the intraspecific variation of this taxon. Therefore we conclude that A. tumidifrons Jeannel, 1962 must be considered as a junior synonym of A. larvata (Reitter, 1885) (syn. nov.).

    Jeannel (1962) distinguished A. globiceps from A. larvata by its very small antennomeres X and very large antennomeres XI, and above all by a different aedeagal morphology (notably copulatory pieces far less developed, slender and bifurcated, and parameres tapering to apex recurved internally). However, we failed to observe such differences between the aedeagus of the paratype of A. globiceps and that of the lectotype of A. larvata (Figs 14 & 16), and here consider A. globiceps Jeannel, 1962 to be the junior synonym of A. larvata (Reitter, 1885) (syn. nov.).

    We have also examined all the specimens of Achilia from the Franz collection. Only three are labelled “Puyehue National Park, Osorno”, which is the locus typicus of Achilia paraglobiceps. Only one was already dissected and, although it doesn’t bear a holotype label, it is certainly the holotype of A. paraglobiceps, which is now labeled accordingly. This specimen is identical for external morphology and for the aedeagal characters to A. larvata, and we here consider A. paraglobiceps Franz, 1996 to be the junior synonym of A. larvata (Reitter, 1885) (syn. nov.).

    Reitter (1885) described Bryaxis larvata from the locality of Valdivia but did not indicate the number of specimens he had at hand. According to Jeannel (1962: 403) in MNHN there are 10 specimens of A. larvata, however in Raffray's collection we found only 9 males with the simple locality label “Chili”, and those are treated as syntypes. In the HMNB there is a female of A. larvata with the locality label “Valdivia” (handwritten by Reitter) and this female is also treated as a syntype. The male lectotype is designated here from the series in MNHN and bears the labels: //Chili// [red label] Type//A. larvata det. Raffray//[red label] LECTOTYPE Achilia larvata des. G. Sabella//. The other syntypes mentioned above are designated as paralectotypes.

  • Figs 21–26.

    Head in dorsal (21–23) and lateral (24–26) views. (21, 24) A. crassicornis. (22, 25) A. larvata. (23, 26) A. bifossifrons. (24).


    Figs 27–30.

    Head in dorsal (27–28) and lateral (29–30) views. (27, 29) A. lobifera. (28, 30) A. antennalis.


    Fig. 31.

    Distribution map of Achilia crassicornis (excluding Argentina) based on examined material.


    Achilia bifossifrons group

  • Jeannel (1962: 397, 404) characterized this group as follows: elytra with 3 basal foveae; basal striae of abdominal tergite I separated at most by 1/4 of tergal width; head with broad transverse occipital hump in male; frons not narrowed anteriorly in female; male antennomere X not enlarged; copulatory pieces of aedeagus thin. The only member of this group has always been Achilia bifossifrons.

  • Achilia bifossifrons (Reitter, 1883)
    Figs 17, 23, 26, 33

  • Bryaxis bifossifrons Reitter, 1883: 50, pl. 1 fig. 9; Reitter 1885: 325, 329.

    Achilia bifossifrons, Jeannel, 1962: 404, figs 151 (head and antenna), 152 (aedeagus).

  • Type material (1 ex.): CENTRAL CHILI: Región Los Ríos: Valdivia prov.: MNHN (coll. Raffray); 1 ♂ (holotype of Achilia bifossifrons here fixed); Chili.

  • Additional material (1907 ex.): See Appendix 1.

  • Description: Body 1.25–1.40 mm long, reddish with dark head, pronotum and abdomen, palpi yellowish. Pubescence on head short and suberect, long and decumbent over rest of body. Head wider than long; frontal lobe flattened with rounded sides; surface smooth, shiny, with some minute punctures; vertexal foveae small; eyes protruding, longer than convex temples. Pronotum wider than long and as wide as head, width maximal at middle; posterior portion of lateral outlines sinuate; disc strongly convex, smooth and shiny; median antebasal fovea slightly smaller than lateral foveae; basal margin bordered with row of contiguous shallow impressions. Elytra together wider than long with protruding humeri; disc smooth, shiny, with some small punctures; generally four basal elytral foveae (two lateral foveae very close and sometimes merged); sutural stria entire; discal stria extending to about elytral midlength. Legs slender. Abdomen smooth, with some minute punctures; tergite I with basal striae slightly diverging, extending to about one-third of paratergal length, separated at base by about one-third of tergal width, with short and sparse setal brush between striae.

    Male: Head as in Figs 23 & 26, with occiput very swollen, its anterior margin falls steeply to deep transverse sulcus. Antennae with scape short, as long as wide; pedicel slightly longer than wide; antennomeres III–VIII small and subglobose; antennomere IX transverse with protruding mesal margin; antennomere X transverse and larger than IX, with protruding mesal margin; antennomere XI ovoid, longer than wide and as long as VII-X combined. Metasternum with a large median impression occupying 2/3 of its surface; mesotibiae enlarged at middle and shallowly emarginate subapically. Abdominal tergites unmodified; all abdominal ventrites slightly flattened at middle. Aedeagus (Fig. 17) 0.28–0.29 mm long; dorsal plate elongate with sides sinuate and dorsal strips long and divergent; copulatory pieces consisting of pair of long sclerites curved apically. Parameres with middle seta on distinct lobe, that seta thin, reduced compared to that of the other species treated here; tips broad, recurved posteriorly.

    Female: Similar to male except: head with occiput barely swollen; metasternum convex; abdominal ventrites not flattened at middle; mesotibiae unmodified.

  • Collecting data: Collected from September to April, mainly in Nothofagus-Araucaria forest and secondary and disturbed Valdivian rainforest at elevations ranging from sea level up to about 800 m. Most specimens came from sifted samples of leaf and log litter, moss on forest floor and trees, dead trunks, vegetational debris, and bracket fungi, but also by flight intercept (window) traps, screen sweeping, and car traps.

  • Distribution: Achilia bifossifrons is distributed in Central Chile from Aysén northward to Ñuble provinces (Fig. 33).

  • Comments: Reitter (1883) described A. bifossifrons based on what he thought was a unique female from Valdivia. However the description is definitely that of a male, so we recognized the only male we found in Raffray's collection as the holotype of this species, and labelled it accordingly.

  • Fig. 32.

    Distribution map of Achilia larvata based on examined material.


    Fig. 33.

    Distribution map of Achilia bifossifrons based on examined material.


    Fig. 34.

    Distribution map of Achilia lobifera. (Red dots: material examined, green dot: literature data).


    Fig. 35.

    Distribution map of Achilia antennalis (excluding Argentina) based on examined material.


    Achilia lobifera group

  • Jeannel (1962: 397, 405) characterized this group as follows: elytra with 3 basal foveae; basal striae of abdominal tergite I separated by 1/3 of tergal width; head of male with high and narrow frontal protuberance bordered by two pits with marginal denticulations; male antennomere IV lobed; internal sac of aedeagus forming “bouquet” of spines. The group consists in A. antennalis Jeannel, 1962 and A. lobifera Jeannel, 1962.

  • Achilia lobifera Jeannel, 1962
    Figs 13, 18, 27, 29, 34

  • Achilia lobifera Jeannel, 1962: 405, figs 153 (habitus), 154 (aedeagus).

  • Type material (43 ex.): SOUTHERN CHILI: Región Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena: Última Esperanza prov.: MHNS; 1 ♂ (holotype of Achilia lobifera n° 1678); Puerto Eden; 04.XII.1958; G. Kuschel. – MNHN; 2 ♀ (paratypes of A. lobifera); Wellington Island, Puerto Eden; 49° 09′S; 02.XII.1958; G. Kuschel; Nothophagus betuloides forest. – MNHN; 15 ♂ and 14 ♀ (paratypes of A. lobifera); same data; 04.XII.1958; G. Kuschel. – MNHN; 2 ♂ and 4 ♀ (paratypes of A. lobifera); same data; 06.XII.1958. – MNHN; 1 ♂ and 4 ♀ (paratypes of A. lobifera); Wellington Island, Puerto Eden, Carlos Islet.

  • Additional material (371 ex.): See Appendix 1.

  • Description: Body 1.30–1.45 mm long, reddish with darker head and abdomen, with yellowish maxillary palpi. Pubescence decumbent with dense and long setae, sparser on head and pronotum. Head wider than long; surface smooth, shiny, with some minute punctures; vertexal foveae shallow and large; eyes protruding, longer than convex temples. Pronotum wider than long and wider than head, with maximal width on anterior half; posterior portion of lateral outlines sinuate; disc convex, smooth and shiny; median antebasal fovea smaller than lateral foveae; basal margin bordered with row of contiguous shallow impressions. Elytra together wider than long with very protruding humeri; disc smooth, shiny, with some minute punctures; four basal elytral foveae (two lateral foveae very close); sutural stria entire; discal stria extending to about elytral midlength. Legs slender. Abdomen smooth, with some minute punctures; tergite I with basal striae subparallel and very short, extending to less than 1/6 paratergal length, separated at base by more than one-third of tergal width, with short and sparse setal brush between striae.

    Male: Head as in Figs 27 and 29. Antennae (Fig. 13) with scape longer than wide; pedicel wider than long; antennomere III strongly tranverse; antennomere IV very big, longer than wide, flattened, with medial margin markedly enlarged and projecting downward, dorsal surface convex and covered with numerous large bristles; antennomere V wider than long; antennomere VI slightly longer than wide, antennomere VII distinctly longer than wide; antennomere VIII slightly wider than long; antennomere IX slightly wider than long; antennomere X distinctly wider than long; antennomere XI distinctly longer than wide, as long as VIII-X combined. Metasternum bearing large median sulcus with pubescent sides; mesotibiae forming stout subapical spur. Abdominal tergites and ventrites unmodified. Aedeagus (Fig. 18) 0.28–0.29 mm long; dorsal plate large with sides sinuate, dorsal stripes long and divergent; copulatory pieces consisting of pair of large sclerites apically enlarged and laterally ending in spine. Parameres with middle seta on distinct lobe, that seta very stout; tips broad and recurved posteriorly.

    Female: Similar to male except: head with occiput only slightly swollen, frontal region flattened with slightly convergent sides and impressed vertexal sulcus; antennae unmodified, with antennomeres III to V longer than wide; metasternum convex; mesotibiae unmodified.

  • Collecting data: Collected from December to February in Nothofagus forest, temperate rainforest, mixed Fitzroya cupressoides forest, sclerophyll rainforest, Valdivian rainforest, and also scrub intergrading into sclerophyll rainforest at elevations ranging from sea level up to about 1000 m. Most specimens came from sifted samples of moss on logs, forest floor, tree trunks, and rocks, from vegetational debris, dead wood and branches, but also by flight intercept (window) and car traps.

  • Distribution: Achilia lobifera is distributed in Southern and Central Chile from Última Esperanza northward to Cautín provinces (Fig. 34). Mentioned also by Jeannel (1962: 407) from Ñuble prov.: Chillán Cordillera, 36° 54′ S, 2 ♂ and 3 ♀ (P. Germain), we could not locate these specimens and, consider this identification as doubtful.

  • Achilia antennalis Jeannel, 1962
    Figs 12, 19–20, 28, 30, 35

  • Achilia antennalis Jeannel, 1962: 405, 406

  • Type material (1 ex.): CENTRAL ARGENTINA: Neuquén prov.: MNHN; 1 ♂ (holotype of Achilia antennalis); Saint Martin de los Andes, Lanin reserve; about 40° S; 1000 m; III.1959; specimens wandering on the sandy shores of Lacar Lake; C. Delamare.

  • Additional material (124 ex.): See Appendix 1.

  • Description: Body 1.30–1.45 mm long, reddish with darker head and abdomen, with yellowish maxillary palpi. Pubescence decumbent with dense and long setae, sparser on head and pronotum. Head wider than long; surface smooth, shiny, with some minute punctures; vertexal foveae shallow and large; eyes protruding, longer than convex temples. Pronotum wider than long and wider than head, with maximal width on anterior half; posterior portion of lateral outlines sinuate; disc convex, smooth and shiny; median antebasal fovea smaller than lateral foveae; basal margin bordered with row of contiguous shallow impressions. Elytra together wider than long with very protruding humeri; disc smooth, shiny, with some minute punctures; four basal elytral foveae (two lateral foveae very close); sutural stria entire; discal stria extending to about elytral midlength. Legs slender. Abdomen smooth, with some minute punctures; tergite I with basal striae subparallel and very short, extending to less than 1/6 paratergal length, separated at base by more than one-third of tergal width, with short and sparse setal brush between striae.

    Male: Head as in Figs 28 and 30. Antennae (Fig. 12) with scape longer than wide; pedicel slightly longer than wide; antennomere III small and transverse; antennomere IV wider than long with medial margin enlarged, anterior margin thicker than posterior, dorsal surface slightly concave and covered with numerous very little bristles, antennomeres V-X wider than long: antennomere XI distinctly longer than wide, longer than VIII-X combined. Metasternum bearing large median sulcus with pubescent sides; mesotibiae forming stout subapical spur. Abdominal tergites and ventrites unmodified. Aedeagus (Figs 19–20) 0.28–0.29 mm long; dorsal plate large with sides sinuate; dorsal strips long and divergent; copulatory pieces consisting of pair of large sclerites that are apically enlarged and trifid, laterally ending in four tips. Parameres with middle seta on distinct lobe, that seta very stout; tips broad recurved posteriorly.

    Female: Similar to male except: head with occiput only slightly swollen, frontal region flattened with slightly convergent sides and impressed vertexal sulcus; antennae unmodified, with antennomeres III as long as wide and IV-V slightly longer than wide; metasternum convex; mesotibiae unmodified.

  • Collecting data: Collected from December and March in Nothofagus forest that is sometimes with Chusquea, in Saxegothea forest with Drimys, and in Araucaria araucana forest at elevations ranging from 300 m up to about 1500 m. Most specimens came from sifted samples of leaf and log litter, but also were taken by flight intercept (window) and malaise traps. Jeannel (1962: 407) reports that specimens were collected wandering on the sandy shores of Lacar Lake (Argentina, Neuquén province).

  • Distribution: Achilia antennalis is distributed for Central Western Argentina (Neuquén province) and Central Chile from Osorno to the Maule region (Talca province) (Fig. 35).

  • Comments: In the original description Jeannel (1962) mentioned five males (holotype and paratypes) collected in Saint Martin de los Andes. He also stated that A. antennalis and A. lobifera have the same external and aedeagal morphology, and differ only by the shape of the male head and antennae, however, the aedeagi are really distinctive, notably in examination of the copulatory pieces (Figs 18–19).


    For the loan of materials we thank J. H. Boone (FMNH), Gy. Makranczy (HNMB), T. Deuve and A. Taghavian (MNHN), M. Elgueta Donoso and Y. J. Sepulveda Guaico (MNHS), H. Schillhammer (NHMW), P. Hlavác (PHPC), D.S. Chandler (UNHC) and R. Poggi (MSNG). This research received support from the SYNTHESYS Project (, which is financed by the European Community Research Infrastructure Action under FP7 Integrating Activities Programme (applications FR-TAF-3522).



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    Appendix 1

    Non-type material examined for the species mentioned in the Taxonomy section

  • Achilia crassicornis Jeannel, 1962

    Additional material (2166 ex.): SOUTHERN AND CENTRAL WESTERN ARGENTINA: Tierra del Fuego prov.: DBUC; 2 ♀; Peninsula Mitré, Bahia Tethis, 22.I.1989; S. Motta. – DBUC; 2 ♂; Peninsula Mitré, Bahia Valentina, station 38; 24.I.1989; S. Motta. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; Peninsula Mitré, Río Lopez, station 40; 24.I.1989; S. Motta. – DBUC; 1 ♂; same data; 03.I.1989; S. Motta. – DBUC; 1 ♂; Peninsula Mitré, Caleta Policarpo, station 41; 25.I.1989; S. Motta. – DBUC; 2 ♂ and 3 ♀; Ushuaia National Park; 07.I.1989; S. Motta. – DBUC; 1 ♂; Ushuaia, Río Pipo; 03.I.1989, S. Motta. – DBUC; 4 ♂ and 6 ♀; Ushuaia, Mount San Martial; 31.XII.1988; S. Motta. – DBUC; 4 ♂ and 1 ♀; Ushuaia, San Martial Glacier; 01.I.1989; S. Motta; boundary between forest and stony ground. – MHNG; 3 ♂ and 1 ♀ (sub A. antarctica); Ushuaia, Mount Susana; 26.III.1975; E. Hozak. – Rio Negro prov.: MHNG; 1 ♂; El Bolson, Topál, nr. 24; 23.X.1961. – Neuquén prov.: MNHN; 2 ♂; Saint Martin de los Andes, Lanin reserve; about 40° S; 1000 m; 15.IV.1959; C. Delamare; specimens wandering on the sandy shores of Lacar Lake. – SOUTHERN AND CENTRAL CHILI: Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena: Antártica Chilena prov.: MHNS; 1 ♀ (mislabelled as paratype of Achilia crassicornis antarctica n° 1625); Navarino Island, Puerto Williams; 31.I.1957; G. Kuschel. – MHNS; 1 ♀ (mislabelled as paratype of Achilia crassicornis crassicornis n° 1578); Puerto Eden; 06.XII.1958; G. Kuschel. – MNHN; 3 ♂ (sub Achilia antarctica); Picton Island, Puerto Banner; 55° 00′S; 14.I.1959; G. Kuschel; Nothofagus betuloides and Nothofagus antarctica forest. – DBUC; 2 ♂ and 2 ♀; Picton Island, station 11; 20.I.1990; S. Motta. – MHNG; 2 ♂; Navarino Island, Puerto Williams, station 1; 55° 10′S 69° 30′W; 20 m; 26.I/02.II.1985; J. Vogel. – DBUC; 1 ♂; Lennox Island, station 13; 20.I.1990; S. Motta. – DBUC; 1 ♂; Hoste Island, station 9; 20.I.1990; S. Motta. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Hoste Island, station 10; 20.I.1990; S. Motta. – DBUC; 3 ♂ and 17 ♀; Cordillera Darwin 2, station 19; 21.I.1990; S. Motta. – Tierra del Fuego prov.: DBUC; 1 ♂; Seno Almirantazgo, station 18; 21.I.1990; S. Motta. – FMNH; 8 ♂ and 6 ♀; Bahia Inùtil, Cameron; 14-16.XI.1960; L. Peña. – Magallanes prov.: NHMW; 1 ♀; Magallanes province; H. Franz. – NHMW; 17 ♂ and 40 ♀; Peninsula New Brunswick; H. Franz. – MNHN; 6 ♂ and 5 ♀; Peninsula Brunswick, Río Tres Brazos, near Punta Arenas; 53° 18′S; 19.I.1957; G. Kuschel. – MHNS; 1 ♂ (mislabelled as paratype of Achilia crassicornis crassicornis n° 1620); same data; G. Kuschel. – MNHN; 1 ♀; Peninsula Brunswick, Chozillo Larques, near Punta Arenas; 12.III.1960; T. Cekalovic. – MNHN; 1 ♂; Peninsula Brunswick, Cueva Millodon, near Punta Arenas; XII.1960; T. Cekalovic. – MNHN; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Peninsula Brunswick, Río El Ganso; 12.II.1961; T. Cekalovic. – MNHN; 1 ♀; same data; T. Cekalovic. – MNHN; 3 ♂ and 1 ♀; Peninsula Brunswick, Río Caleta; 26.II.1961; T. Cekalovic. – MHNG; 1 ♂ and 6 ♀; Peninsula Brunswick, Parillar National Reserve, station 44b; 300 m; 17.I.1991; D. Burckhardt; Nothofagus betuloides forest. – MHNG; 1 ♂; Peninsula Brunswick, Fuerte Bulnes, station 45a; 10 m; 17.I.1991; D. Burckhardt; Nothofagus betuloides forest. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; same data; D. Burckhardt. – DBUC; 5 ♂ and 9 ♀; Peninsula Brunswick, Cabo Froward, station 26; 30.I.1990; S. Motta. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; Clarence Island, station 28; 30.I.1990; S. Motta. – Última Esperanza prov.: MNHN; 7 ♂ and 6 ♀; Río Rubens; 52° 00′S; 18.I.1957; G. Kuschel. – MHNS; 1 ♂ (mislabelled as paratype of Achilia crassicornis crassicornis n° 1608); same data; G. Kuschel. – Región Aysén: General Carrera prov.: MNHN; 3 ♂ and 5 ♀; Chico, east end of Buenos Aires Lake; 17.I.1956; G. Kuschel. – MNHN; 9 ♂ and 6 ♀; Río Murta, NW end of Buenos Aires Lake; 46° 28′S; 25.I.1956; G. Kuschel; forest. – MHNS; 1 ♂ (mislabelled as paratype of Achilia crassicornis crassicornis n° 1595); Río Murta; 25.I.1956; G. Kuschel. – Coyhaique prov.: MHNG; 1 ♂; environs of Coyhaique; H. Franz. – NHMW; 1 ♂; same data; H. Franz. – MHNG; 1 ♂; 40 km SW Balmaceda, Cerro Castillo Natural Reserve; 1100 m; 02-27.I.1995; S. & J. Peck; FIT dry open beech forest. – Aysén prov.: MHNG; 25 ♂ and 6 ♀; 30 km N Puyuhuapi, station 107; 100 m; 29.I.1985; S. & J. Peck. – FMNH; 6 ♂ and 1 ♀; same data; S. & J. Peck. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀, same data, S. & J. Peck. – FMNH; 37 ♂ and 29 ♀; Frío Lake, Coyhaique; 20-23.I.1961; L. Peña. – Región Los Lagos: Chiloé prov.: MNHN; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀ (sub A. tumidifrons); Cerros de San Pedro; 42° 20′S; 520 m; 10.XI.1958; G. Kuschel; wet forest. – MNHN; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀ (sub A. tumidifrons); same data; G. Kuschel. – MHNS; 1 ♂ (mislabelled as paratype of Achilia crassicornis crassicornis n° 1586); San Pedro; 10.XI.1958; G. Kuschel. – MHNG; 2 ♂ and 2 ♀; Chiloé National Park, Cucao, 30 km SW Castro, station 29a; 30 m; 04-06.I.1991; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt; temperate rainforest. – MHNG; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Chiloé National Park, near Cucao, 30 km SW Castro, station 34b; 42° 37′S 74° 08′W; 10-70 m; 28.XII.1992/01.I.1993; D. Burckhardt; sifting of moss on forest floor trees and dead trunks and vegetational debris. – MHNG; 1 ♂ and 3 ♀; Chiloé National Park, Rancho Grande, near Cucao, station 35b; 42° 33′S 74° 02′W; 250-400 m; 29.XII.1992; D. Burckhardt; sifting of moss on forest floor trees and vegetational debris. – MHNG; 5 ♂ and 13 ♀; Chiloé Island, 8 km of Ancud, station 110; 01.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; forest remnants litter. – FMNH; 1 ♂ and 3 ♀; same data; S. & J. Peck. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; same data; S. & J. Peck. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-068); 50 ♂ and 82 ♀; 11 km W of Quemci (11 km E Hwy 5); 42° 10.40′S 73° 35.73′W; 140 m; 10.XII.2002; A. Solodovnikov & A. Newton 1060; valdivian rainforest remnant w/thick bamboo understory; berlese, leaf & log litter. – Llanquihue prov.: MNHN; 1 ♂; Frutillar; 41° 08′S; 20.IX.1954; G. Kuschel. – MHNG; 13 ♂ and 6 ♀; Alerce Andino National Park, above Laguna Chaiquenes, station 37; 41° 40′S 72° 35′W; 350-650 m; 04.I.1993; D. Burckhardt; mixed Fitzroya cupressoides forest with thick moss cover inside, sifting of moss on floor and tree trunks and vegetational debris. – FMNH (FMHD #97-28); 1 ♂; Alerce Andino National Park, near Sargazo entrance, 11.4 km from Correntoso; 41° 30′S 72° 37′W; 350 m; 19.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 998; valdivian rainforest, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-30); 2 ♀; Alerce Andino National Park, N side Laguna Sargazo; 41° 30′S 72° 36′W; 400 m; 21.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1000; Fitzroya cupressoides w/valdivian rainforest understory steep slope, berlese, leaf & log litter. – UNHC; 3 ♂; Lago Chapo, 13.5 km E Correntoso, site 656; 310 m; 16-27.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, flight intercept (windows) trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97-16); 4 ♂ and 6 ♀; Lago Chapo, near SE end, km 9.9 on road from Rollizo; 41° 30.63′S 72° 23.98′W; 385 m; 04.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 989; valdivian rainforest on steep slope, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-26); 9 ♂ and 23 ♀; Lago Chapo, 1.2 km N of NW end; 41° 25′S 72° 35′W; 265 m; 19.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 996; small secondary Nothofagus dombeyi w/valdivian rainforest understory, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #85-938, #85-54); 1 ♂; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, Salto Petrohué; 150 m; 23.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; mixed forest litter, berlese. – FMNH (FMHD #85-995, #85-112); 1 ♀; Vicente Perez National Park, Salto Petrohué; 150 m; 04.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; mixed forest litter, berlese. – FMNH (FMHD #97-8); 1 ♂; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, 9.2 km NE Ensenada, on road to Petrohué; 41° 10.20′S 72° 27.10′W; 125 m; 02-28.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 987; valdivian rainforest w/ Nothofagus spp., flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97-11); 5 ♂ and 1 ♀; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Vn Osorno, km 10.1 to La Burbuja; 41° 08.30′S 72° 32.15′W; 925 m; 03-27.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 988; Nothofagus dombeyi & Podocapus nubigena w/valdivian rainforest understory, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97-12); 1 ♂; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer 988; Nothofagus dombeyi & Podocapus nubigena w/valdivian rainforest understory, carrion trap (squid). – FMNH (FMHD #97-13); 10 ♀; same data; 03.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 988; low Nothofagus dombeyi & Podocapus nubigena w/valdivian rainforest understory, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-35); 20 ♂ and 75 ♀; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Vn Osorno, km 11 to La Burbuja; 41° 07.91′S 72° 32.16′W; 1065 m; 27.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1005; low Nothofagus dombeyi w/mixed understory, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-37); 1♂; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Vn Osorno, km 6 to La Burbuja; 41° 09.08′S 72° 30.15′W; 925 m; 27.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1006; low Nothofagus dombeyi on lava w/shrubby understory, berlese, litter under leaves, mosses & lichenes. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-80); 7 ♂ and 29 ♀; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Volcàn Osorno, ca km 10 to La Burbuja; 41° 07.9′S 72° 32′W; 1090 m; 15.XII.2002; A. Solodovnikov 1065; Nothofagus dombeyi w/bamboo e shrub understory, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-81); 7 ♂ and 74 ♀; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Volcàn Osorno, km 10 to La Burbuja; 41° 08.33′S 72° 32.16′W; 910 m; 15.XII.2002; M. Thayer & A. Solodovnikov 1066; Nothofagus dombeyi w/mixed understory, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-085); 1 ♂; Ensenada, Las Cascadas road, 0.9 km N of La Burbuja; 41° 11.27′S 72° 32.6′W; 80 m; 16.XII.2002; M. Chani; Nothofagus dombeyi, mixed hardwoods, berlese, litter. – Osorno prov.: MHNG; 3 ♂ and 1 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca Road; 500-1000 m; 18-20.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; car netting. – MHNG; 4 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca Road; 600-1000 m; 20.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck, car netting. – UNHC; 4 ♂ and 3 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road, site 660; 845 m; 18-24.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; Nothofagus-Saxegothea forest, berlese, leaf & log litter, forest floor. – FMNH; 21 ♂ and 24 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer. – UNHC; 1 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road, trap site 658; 925 m; 18-25.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; Nothofagus pumilio forest, berlese, leaf & log litter, forest floor. – FMNH; 3 ♂ and 12 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer. – UNHC; 3 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road, site 659; 720 m; 18-24.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; Nothofagus spp. forest, flight intercept (windows) trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97-1); 10 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca Road, approaching ski center; 40° 46.85′S 72° 13.03′W; 980 m; 01.I-01.II.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 986; open Nothofagus pumilio forest w/Chusquea, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97-3); 29 ♂ and 54 ♀; same locality; 01.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 986; open Nothofagus pumilio forest w/dense Chusquea, berlese, leaf & log litter. – UNHC; 1 ♂; Antillanca; 1200 m; 16.II.1988; L. Masner; treelines Nothofagus. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-88); 4 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Ruta 215; near Laguna Las Mellizas; 40° 40.8′S 71° 59.4′W; 1000 m; 19.XII.2002; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1070; Nothofagus pumilio forest w/ dense bamboo understory, berlese, wet debris in large stream. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-90); 30 ♂ and 30 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Ruta 215; km 4.5 of Aduana station; 40° 40.23′S 72° 05.21′W; 580 m; 19.XII.2002; A. Newton, M. Thayer, D. J. Clarke & M. Chani 1071; valdivian rainforest, berlese, leaf & log litter. – MHNG; 13 ♂ and 11 ♀; Puyehue National Park, road Aguas Calientes-Antillanca, station 19b; 40° 45′S 72° 15-20′W; 750-850 m; 30.XI/01.XII.1992; D. Burckhardt; sifting of moss on tree trunks and forest floor and vegetational debris. – MHNG; 1 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Aguas Calientes, station 20 b; 40° 40′S 72° 20′W; 450-600 m; 01-03.XII.1992; D. Burckhardt; sifting of moss on dead tree trunks, branches and rocks and vegetational debris. – MHNG; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Aguas Calientes, station 25a; 400-500 m; 31.XII.1990/01.I.1991; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt. – MHNG; 2 ♂ and 2 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Aguas Calientes to Antillanca, station 27a; 1000 m; 02.I.1991; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt. – DBUC; 1 ♂; same data; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt. – MHNG; 1 ♂ and 3 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Aguas Calientes to Antillanca, station 28a; 800 m; 02.I.1991; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt. – FMNH (FMHD #96-246); 1 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road, 7.2 km above Aguas Calientes, 40° 45.55′S 72° 17.82′W; 660 m; 29.XII.1996; A. Newton & M. Thayer 982; valdivian rainforest w/ Saxegothea dominant, dense Chusquea, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-087); 185 ♂ and 216 ♀; Puyehue National Park, W side Paso Cardenal Samoré; 40° 42.65′S 71° 56.66′W; 1305 m; 17.XII.2002; A. Newton, M. Thayer & A. Solodovnikov 1069; timberline Nothofagus pumilio forest with snow patches, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH; 1 ♂; same data; A. Newton 1069; timberline, Nothofagus pumilio forest with snow patches, on small orange gilled mushrooms. – MHNG; 1 ♂; same data; A. Newton 1069. – DBUC; 1 ♂; same data; A. Newton 1069. – UNHC; 1 ♂; Puyehue National Park, 4.1 km E Anticura, trap site 662; 430 m; 19-26.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, screen sweeping. – FMNH; 1 ♂; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer. – FMNH; 5 ♂; same locality; 19–26.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, vouchers associated with larvae, berlese, leaf & log litter, forest floor. – FMNH (FMHD #96-250); 2 ♂; Puyehue National Park, 4 km E Anticura; 40° 39.73′S 72° 08.10′W; 460 m; 30.XII.1996/30.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-1; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97-4); same locality; 01-30.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97-5); 2 ♂ and 1 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-3; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97-39); 4 ♂; same locality; 30.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-3; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-41); 2 ♂; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-1; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-4); 3 ♂; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-2; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, berlese, leaf & log litter. – UNHC; 1 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Volcàn Casablanca; 1100-1130 m; 20.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; Nothofagus pumilio-antarctica forest with Drimys, berlese, leaf & log litter, forest floor. – FMNH; 34 ♂ and 100 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer. – UNHC; 1 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Volcàn Casa Blanca, trap site 667; 1270 m; 20-25.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; treeline Nothofagus forest, pan trap. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-81); 101 ♂ and 180 ♀; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Volcàn Osorno, road to Ref. La Picada; 41° 03.25′S 72° 30.18′W; 660 m; 16.XII.2002; A. Solodovnikov, A. Newton & M. Thayer 1067; Nothofagus dombeyi w/conifers dense Chusquea bamboo understory, flat area, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-81); 20 ♂ and 43 ♀; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Volcàn Osorno, road to Ref. La Picada; 41° 01.05′S 72° 32.90′W; 430 m; 16.XII.2002; A. Newton, A. Solodovnikov & M. Chani 1068; Nothofagus dombeyi w/conifers, berlese, leaf & log litter. – Región Araucanía: Cautín prov.: MHNG; 2 ♂; Villarica National Park, Volcàn Villarica, 10 km S Pucón; 900 m; 15.XII.1984/10.II.1985, S. & J. Peck; Nothofagus grove on ash. – UNHC; 1 ♂; Volcàn Villarica, site 654; 1120 m; 15-29.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; Nothofagus dombeyi-Saxegothea forest with Drimys, flight intercept (windows) trap. – FMNH (FMHD #96-237); 1 ♂; Villarica National Park, Volcàn Villarica, road to sky center; 39° 22.48′S 71° 58.30′W; 1180 m; 26.XII.1996/03.II.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 980; Nothofagus dombeyi forest w/Chusquea, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #96-239); 12 ♂ and 22 ♀; same locality; 26. XII.1996; A. Newton & M. Thayer 980; Nothofagus dombeyi forest w/ Chusquea, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #96-241); 1 ♂; Villarica National Park, Volcàn Villarica, road to sky center; 39° 23.27′S 71° 57.82′W; 1390 m; 27.XII.1996/03.II.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 981; Nothofagus pumilio forest, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #96-242); 1 ♂; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer 981; stunted Nothofagus pumilio forest, carrion trap (squid). – MHNG; 1 ♂; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer 981. – FMNH (FMHD #96-243); 2 ♂ and 6 ♀; same locality; 27.XII.1996; A. Newton & M. Thayer 981; stunted Nothofagus pumilio forest, berlese, leaf & log litter. – MHNG; 1 ♂; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer 981. – MHNG; 8 ♂ and 14 ♀; Huerquehue National Park, station 16a; 800-900 m; 22-24. XII.1980; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt; forest litter. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; same data; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt. – MHNG; 1 ♂ and 3 ♀; Conguillío National Park, station 12a; 950 m; 19-21.XII.1990; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt; forest litter. – MHNG; 2 ♂ and 1 ♀; Conguillío National Park, Playa Linda, station 13a; 1150 m; 19-20.XII.1990; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt; forest litter. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; same data; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt. – MHNG; 3 ♂ and 2 ♀; Conguillío National Park, Playa Linda, station 13b; 1150 m; 19-20.XII.1990; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt; Nothofagus ant. forest. – FMNH (FMHD #96-226); 1 ♂; Conguillío National Park, 11.1 km SE Laguna Captrén guard sta.; 38° 40.05′S 71° 37.21′W; 1080 m; 23.XII.1996/05.II.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 976; Nothofagus obliqua & alpina, dense Chusquea understory, flight intercept trap – FMNH (FMHD #96-228); 7 ♂ and 21 ♀; same locality; 23.XII.1996; A. Newton & M. Thayer 976; Nothofagus obliqua & alpina, dense Chusquea understory, berlese, leaf & log litter. – Malleco prov.: MHNG; 5 ♂; 40 km W CuraCautín; 1500 m; 12.XII.1984/16.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; Nothofagus and Araucaria forest, malaise. – MHNG; 2 ♂; environs of Malalcahuello; H. Franz. – MSNG; 1 ♂; Conguillío; 19.IV.1987; S. Gonzales. – FMNH (FMHD #97-46); 24 ♂ and 87 ♀; Conguillío National Park, 4.9 km of N entrance (road from CuraCautín); 38° 37.84′S 71° 43.31′W; 1210 m; 05.II.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1009; Araucaria-Nothofagus forest on ash/lava; berlese, litter under Araucaria araucana. – Región Bío Bío: Ñuble prov.: MHNG; 1 ♂ and 4 ♀; 10 km W Termas de Chillán, station 5a; 1250 m; 12-13.XII.1990; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt; Nothofagus forest litter. – UNHC; 2 ♂; Las Trancas, 19.5 km ESE Recinto, site 647; 1250 m; 10.XII.1982/03.I.1983; A. Newton & M. Thayer; Nothofagus forest, flight intercept (windows) trap.

  • Achilia larvata (Reitter, 1885)

    Additional material (1284 ex.): FMNH (Orlando Park Pselaphidae collection, ex F. C. Fletcher collection); 2 ♀; Chile. – CENTRAL CHILI: Región Los Lagos: Chiloé prov.: MHNS; 2 ♀ (mislabelled paratypes of Achilia tumidifrons n° 1640 and 1642); Chepu; 03.X.1958; G. Kuschel. – MHNS; 1 ♂ (mislabelled paratypes of Achilia tumidifrons n° 1644); Chepu; 04.X.1958; G. Kuschel. – MHNS; 3 ♀ (mislabelled paratypes of Achilia tumidifrons n° 1633, 1635 and 1639); Chepu; 15.X.1958; G. Kuschel. – MHNG; 7 ♂ and 21 ♀; Chiloé Island, Huillinco Lake; 31.I.1983; T. Cekalovic. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 6 ♀, same data; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 1 ♂; same locality; TC-278; 21.II.1991, T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 1 ♀ and 18 ♀; Chiloé Island, 1 km W of Huillinco Lake; TC-564; 24.I.1998; T. Cekalovic. – MHNG; 1 ♀; Chiloé Island, Río Pudeto; 28.II.1972; T. Cekalovic. – MHNG; 2 ♀; same locality; 27.I.1983; T. Cekalovic. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; same data; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG, 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; same locality; SyTC-226; 21.II.1989; S. & T. Cekalovic. – UNHC; 1 ♂; Chiloé Island, 2 km N Puente Río Pudeto; 20.I.2000; T. Cekalovic. – MHNG; 1 ♀; San Pedro; 22.II.1976; T. Cekalovic. – FMNH (FMHD #97-21); 8 ♂ and 9 ♀; Puente La Caldera, 9.8 km E of Cucao; 42° 39.96′S 74° 00.70′W; 10 m; 14.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 991; valdivian raiforest, berlese, leaf & log litter. – MSNG; 20 ♂ and 17 ♀; Chiloé Island, Puente La Caldera; TC-466; 15.II.1996, T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 2 ♂; same locality; TC-524; 18. II.1997; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 1 ♂; Chiloé Island, Chepu; TC-275; 19.II.1991; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 2 ♂ and 2 ♀; same locality; TC-580; 09.II.1999; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 14 ♀; same locality; TC-610; 20.I.2000; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 12 ♂ and 2 ♀; same locality; TC-624; 26.I.2000, T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 6 ♂ and 3 ♀; same locality; TC-625; 26.I.2000, T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Chiloé Island, Estero Tablin; TC-609; 19.I.2000, T. Cekalovic. – MNSG; 1 ♀; Chiloé Island, 1 km N of Puente Notuco; TC-528; 20.II.1997; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 4 ♀; Chiloé Island, Puente Milildeo; TC-471; 15.II.1995; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 1 ♀; Chiloé Island, San Juan de Chadmo; TC-555; 18.I.1998, T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 2 ♂; Chiloé Island, 5 km SW Chonchi; 14.I.1999, T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 4 ♂ and 4 ♀; same locality; TC-560; 21.I.1998; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 11 ♂ and 19 ♀; Chiloé Island, Estero Llicaldad; TC-608; 19.I.2000; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 1 ♀; Quinchao Island, Laguna Pulul; TC-615; 22.I.2000; T. Cekalovic. – Llanquihue prov.: MHNG; 1 ♂ and 5 ♀; La Arena, 45 km SE Puerto Montt; 100 m; 25.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck. – MHNG; 3 ♀; Petrohué; 30.I.1979; A. De Chambrier. – FMNH (FMHD #85-995, #85-112); 2 ♂; Vicente Perez National Park, Salto Petrohué; 150 m; 04.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; mixed forest litter, berlese. – FMNH (FMHD #85-947, #85-63); 4 ♀; Lenca, 45 km SE Puerto Montt; 100 m; 25.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; forest remnant, leaf stick litter, berlese. – MHNS; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀ (mislabelled paratypes of Achilia globiceps n° 1647 and 1657); Frutillar; 20.IX.1954; G. Kuschel. – MHNG; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Frutillar Bajo, Universidad Chile Forest Reserve; 100 m; 22.XII.1984/02. II.1985; S. & J. Peck; FIT ravine mixed forest. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀, same data; S. & J. Peck. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-085); 3 ♀; Ensenada, Las Cascadas road, 0.9 km N of La Burbuja; 41° 11.27′S 72° 32.6′W; 80 m; 16.XII.2002; M. Chani; Nothofagus dombeyi, mixed hardwoods, berlese, litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-38); 3 ♂ and 7 ♀; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Vn Osorno, km 4 to La Burbuja; 41° 09.95′S 72° 30.80′W; 310 m; 27.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1007; secondary valdivian rainforest w/Nothofagus dombeyi- Eucryphia cordifolia berlese, leaf & log. – Osorno prov.: MHNG; 3 ♂; environs of Osorno; H. Franz. – FMNH (FMHD #96-248); 4 ♂ and 8 ♀; 15.1 km W Puaucho; 40° 34.97′S 73° 37.68′W; 50 m; 30.XII.1996; A. Newton & M. Thayer 984; valdivian rainforest remnant in sm. ravine, w/large ferns, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH; 4 ♂ and 12 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road; 470 m; 20-25.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, vouchers associated with larvae, berlese, leaf & log litter, forest floor. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-082); 12 ♂ and 23 ♀; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Volcàn Osorno, road to Ref. La Picada; 41° 03.25′S 72° 30.18′W; 660 m; 16.XII.2002; A. Solodovnikov, A. Newton & M. Thayer 1067; Nothofagus dombeyi w/conifers dense Chusquea bamboo understory, flat area, berlese, leaf & log litter. – MHNG; 17 ♂ and 53 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Anticura Repucura trail; 500 m; 06.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; forest litter. – DBUC; 1 ♀; same data; S. & J. Peck; forest litter. – FMNH (FMHD #85-996, #85-113); 8 ♀; same data; S. & J. Peck. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; same data; S. & J. Peck. – FMNH; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; Puyehue National Park, 4.1 km E Anticura, trap site 662; 430 m; 19-26. XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest. – FMNH 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, window traps. – FMNH; 8 ♂ and 48 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, vouchers associated with larvae, berlese, leaf & log litter, forest floor. – UNHC; 1 ♂; 4.1 km W Anticura, site 663; 270 m; 19-25.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, flight intercept (windows) trap. – FMNH; 1 ♂; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer. – FMNH; 4 ♂ and 4 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, vouchers associated with larvae – FMNH (FMHD #97-40); 17 ♂ and 58 ♀; Puyehue National Park, 4 km E Anticura; 40° 39.73′S 72° 08.10′W; 460 m; 30.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-2; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, berlese, leaf and log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-4); 6 ♂; same data; 01-30.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-2; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97-39); 25 ♂ and 61 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-3; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-41); 5 ♂ and 9 ♀; same data; 30.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-1; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #96-250); 7 ♂ and 1 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-1; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea berlese, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-90); 8 ♂ and 14 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Ruta 215; km 4.5 of Aduana station; 40° 40.23′S 72° 05.21′W; 580 m; 19.XII.2002; A. Newton, M. Thayer, D. J. Clarke & M. Chani 1071; valdivian rainforest, berlese, leaf & log litter. – MHNG; 14 ♂ and 76 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Aguas Calientes, Pionero track; 500 m; 28.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; sifted forest stick litter. – DBUC; 3 ♂; same data; S. & J. Peck. – MHNG; 6 ♂ and 29 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Aguas Calientes, station 25a; 400-500 m; 31.XII.1990/01.I.1991; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt. – FMNH (FMHD #85-928, #85-43); 4 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Aguas Calientes; 500 m; 20.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; forest litter on trail, sifting. – PHPC; 5 ♂; Puyehue National Park, 26.2 km E Entre Lagos, near Termas Aguas Calientes; 40° 44.130′S 72° 18.427′W; 460 m; 09-12.III.2008; H. Wood & C. Griswold; sifting litter. – MHNG; 2 ♂ and 3 ♀; Pucatrihue, 65 km W Osorno, station 21; 40° 28′S 73° 43′W; 150 m; 04.XII.1984; D. Burckhardt; valdivian rainforest, sifting of moss on dead tree trunks, branches and rocks and of vegetable detritus. – FMNH (FMHD #85-933, #85-48); 4 ♂ and 11 ♀; 3 km S Maicolpué, Bahìa Mansa; 200 m; 21.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; mixed forest litter, berlese. – MHNG; 20 ♂ and 73 ♀; 3 km S Maicolpué, Bahìa Mansa; 21.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; mixed forest litter. – MHNG; 9 ♂ and 46 ♀; same locality; 03.II.1985; S. & J. Peck. – FMNH; 1 ♂ and 8 ♀; same data, S. & J. Peck. – DBUC; 2 ♂ and 2 ♀; same data; S. & J. Peck. – FMNH (FMHD #96-247); 1 ♂ and 9 ♀; Hills S of Maicolpué; 40° 36.57′S 73° 44.91′W; 160 m; 30.XII.1996; A. Newton & M. Thayer 983; disturbed valdivian rainforest, berlese, leaf & log litter. – UNHC; 2 ♂ and 3 ♀; Hills S of Maicolpué; 160 m; 21.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; 2° valdivian forest, berlese, leaf & log litter, forest floor. – FMNH; 3 ♂ and 40 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer. – MSNG; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; Los Ñilques; TC-257; 10.I.1990; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 5 ♂ and 11 ♀; same locality; TC-260; 13.I.1990; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; same locality; TC-553; 17.I.1998, T. Cekalovic. – Región Los Ríos: Ranco prov.: MHNG; 5 ♂ and 21 ♀; 34 km WNW La Unión, station 36; 700 m; 17.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; litter mixed evergreen forest. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; same data; S. & J. Peck. – FMNH (FMHD #85-997, #85-114); 1 ♀; 35 km WNW La Unión; 700 m; 07.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; litter mixed evergreen forest, berlese. – Valdivia prov.: UNHC; 2 ♂; Oncol Park; 485 m; 20.I.2001; T. Cekalovic. – PHPC; 8 ♂ and 16 ♀; Oncol Park, 12 km NW Valdivia, Sendero Bonifacio, WDS-T-201; 39° 42′S 73° 19′W; 22.II.2008; W. D. Shepard; sifting litter. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; same data; W. D. Shepard. – FMNH (FMHD #97-19); 1 ♀; Rincón de La Piedra, turnoff, 14.8 km SE Valdivia; 39° 55′ 32″S 73° 06′ 27″W; 50 m; 11.I-01.II.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 990; disturbed Valdivian rainforest, with Nothophagus dombeyi and Podocarpus saligna, carrion trap (squid). – FMNH (FMHD #97-20); 3 ♂ and 10 ♀; same locality; 11.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 990; berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-42); 1 ♂; same locality; 02.II.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 990; disturbed Valdivian rainforest, with Nothophagus dombeyi and Podocarpus saligna, berlese, litter in ground bromeliad (? Puya sp.). leaf axils (live & dead). – Región Araucanía: Cautín prov.: MHNG; 2 ♂; 15 km NE Villarica, Flor del Lago; 500 m; 10.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; forest litter, berlese. – FMNH (FMHD #85-999, #85-116); 1 ♂; same data; S. & J. Peck. – MHNG; 2 ♂ and 3 ♀; 15 km NE Villarica, Flor del Lago, station 16; 300 m; 14.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; sifted Boletus in spruce plantation. – UNHC; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Bellavista, North shore Lago Villarica, site 655; 310 m; 15-30.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, flood debris forest stream. – FMNH; 2 ♂ and 1 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer. – FMNH; 4 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, flood vouchers associated with larvae. – FMNH; 6 ♀; Ñielol National Park, near Temuco, site 652; about 250 m; 14/30.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; native forest remnants with Nothophagus, vouchers associated with larvae, leaf & log litter, forest floor. – Malleco prov.: MHNG; 4 ♂ and 37 ♀; Purén, Contulmo Natural Monument; 350 m; 13.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; mixed forest litter. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; same data; S. & J. Peck. – UNHC; 1 ♂; Contulmo National Park, 10 km W Purén; 240 m; 12. XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; mixed hdwd. forest with Chusquea, berlese, vouchers associated with larvae, leaf & log litter, forest floor. – FMNH; 5 ♂ and 14 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-64); 1 ♂ and 5 ♀; Contulmo Natural Monument, Sendero Lemu Mau; 38° 00.74′S 73° 11.13″W; 410 m; 08.XII.2002; A. Newton & A. Solodovnikov 1059; Nothophagus obliqua-Eucryphia cordifolia w/fern & bamboo understory, flood debris, small stream. – FMNH; 3 ♀; same data; D. J. Clarke & A. Solodovnikov 1059; Nothophagus obliqua-Eucryphia cordifolia w/fern & bamboo understory, sifted litter, hand-collected. – Región Bío Bío: Concepción prov.: MHNG; 12 ♂ and 3 ♀; Pinares; 18.III.1973; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; El Manzano; TC-329; 08.XI.1992; T. Cekalovic. – Bío Bío prov.: MHNS; 1 ♂ (mislabelled paratypes of A. globiceps n° 1659); Pemehue; I.1896; P. Germain. – MNHN; 1 ♀ (sub A. globocephala?); Cordillera of Pemehue; 38° 00′S; P. Germain. – Ñuble prov.: MHNS; 1 ♀ (mislabelled paratypes of A. globiceps n° 1658); Chillán; P. Germain. – MNHN; 1 ♂ (sub A. globocephala?); Cordillera of Chillán, 36° 54′S; P. Germain.

  • Achilia bifossifrons (Reitter, 1883)

    Additional material (1907 ex.): MNHN (coll. Raffray); 3 ♂; Chili. CENTRAL CHILI: Región Aysén: Aysén prov.: MHNG; 1 ♂; 30 km N Puyuhuapi, station 107; 100 m; 29.I.1985; S. & J. Peck. – Región Los Lagos: Chiloé prov.: MNHN; 1 ♀ (sub A. lobifera); Chepu; 42° 03′S; 15.X.1958; G. Kuschel; forest. – MSNG; 2 ♂; Chiloé Island, Chepu; TC-275; 19.II.1991; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 3 ♂ and 6 ♀; same locality; TC-580; 09.II.1999, T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; same locality; TC-610; 20.I.2000; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 27 ♂ and 13 ♀; same locality; TC-624; 26.I.2000; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 29 ♂ and 30 ♀; same locality; TC-625; 26.I.2000; T. Cekalovic. – FMNH (FMHD #97-22); 8 ♂ and 6 ♀; Chiloé Island, SE edge of Tepuhueico; 42°48.11′S 73°55.36′S; 50 m; 15.I.1997; valdivian rainforest; A. Newton & M. Thayer 992; berlese, leaf & log litter. – MSNG; 1 ♀; Mocopulli, SyTC-223; 18.II.1989; S. & T. Cekalovic. – MHNG; 3 ♂ and 1 ♀; Chiloé Island, Huillinco Lake; 31.I.1983; T. Cekalovic. – DBUC; 1 ♂; same data; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 3 ♂ and 2 ♀; same locality; TC-278; 21.II.1991; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 5 ♂ and 7 ♀; Chiloé Island, 1 km W of Huillinco Lake; TC-564; 24.I.1998:T. Cekalovic. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-72); 1 ♂; S side of Huillinco lake, road to Bellavista; 1.3 km S road of Cucao; 42°41.81′S 73° 55.88′W; 45 m; 12-22.XII.2002; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1062; valdivian rainforest w/emergent Saxegothea conspicua, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-74); 1 ♂; same locality; 12.XII.2002; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1062; valdivian rainforest w/emergent Saxegothea conspicua, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-092); 4 ♂ and 13 same locality; 22.XII.2002; A. Solodovnikov 1062; valdivian rainforest w/emergent Saxegothea conspicua, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-93); same data; A. Solodovnikov 1062; valdivian rainforest w/emergent Saxegothea conspicua, berlese, wet debris at stream. – PHPC; 1 ♂; Chiloé Island, Cucao, WDS-T-209; 42° 35′S 74° 05′W; 02.III.2008; W. D. Shepard; litter sifting. – FMNH (FMHD #97-25); 1 ♂; Miraflores, road to (0.6 km W Hwy 5); 42° 46.73′S 73° 47.71′W; 130 m; 17.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 994; secondary Valdivian rainforest, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-77); 5 ♂ and 3 ♀; same locality; 12.XII.2002; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1063; secondary valdivian rainforest with few conifers, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-24); 27 ♂ and 32 ♀; road to Colonia Yungay (3.6 km W Hwy 5); 42° 59′S 73° 41′W; 90 m; 17.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 995; grazed secondary valdivian rainforest remnants, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-78); 9 ♂ and 23 ♀; road to Colonia Yungay, ca 4 km NW Hwy 5; 42° 59.12′S 73° 42.02′W; 110-115 m; 13.XII.2002; A. Solodovnikov & M. Thayer 1064; disturbed valdivian rainforest w/ recent selective cutting, berlese, leaf & log litter. – MSNG; 3 ♂ and 6 ♀; Chiloé Island, Puente La Caldera; TC-466; 15.II.1996, T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 2 ♂; same locality; TC-524; 18.II.1997; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 3 ♂ and 12 ♀; Chiloé Island, 1 km N of Puente Notuco; TC-528; 20.II.1997; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 3 ♂ and 11 ♀; Chiloé Island, 5 km SW Chonchi; TC-560; 21.I.1998; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; same locality; 14.I.1999; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 3 ♂ and 11 ♀; same locality; TC-623; 25.I.2000; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Chiloé Island, Estero Llicaldad; TC-608; 19.I.2000; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 3 ♂ and 3 ♀; Chiloé Island, Puente Milildeo; TC-471; 15. II.1995; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 5 ♀; Chiloé Island, Estero Tablin; TC-609; 19.I.2000, T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 4 ♂ and 1 ♀; Quinchao Island, Quetro; TC-582; 12.II.1999, T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 1 ♂; same locality; TC-559; 20.I.1998; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 1 ♂ and 3 ♀; Quinchao Island, Laguna Pulul; C-615; 22.I.2000; T. Cekalovic. – Llanquihue prov.: MNHN; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Los Riscos; 11.IV.1954; G. Kuschel. – FMNH (FMHD #57-125); 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; Río Maullín; III.1957; L. Peña. – MHNS; 2 ♂ (sub mislabelled paratypes of Achilia globiceps n° 1650 and 1651); Frutillar; 20.IX.1954; G. Kuschel. – MNHN; 6 ♂; Frutillar; 41° 08′S; 20.IX.1954; G. Kuschel. – MHNG; 11 ♂; Frutillar Bajo, Universitad Chile Forest Reserve; 100 m; 22.XII.1984/02.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; FIT ravine mixed forest. – DBUC; 2 ♂; same data; S. & J. Peck. – FMNH (FMHD #85-935, #85-51); 1 ♂; Frutillar Bajo, Universitad Chile Forest Reserve; 100 m; 22.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; bracket fungi, berlese. – MHNG; 1 ♂; Petrohué; 30.I.1979; A. De Chambrier. – MHNG; 27 ♂ and 62 ♀; Vicente Perez National Park, Salto Petrohué; 150 m; 23.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; mixed forest litter, berlese. MHNG; 10 ♂ and 21 ♀; same locality; 04.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; mixed forest, sifted litter. – DBUC; 4 ♂; same data; S. & J. Peck. – FMNH (FMHD #85-938, #85-54); 14 ♂ and 17 ♀; same data; S. & J. Peck. – FMNH (FMHD #85-995, #85-112); 5 ♂ and 3 ♀; same data; S. & J. Peck. – UNHC; 1 ♂ and 3 ♀; Saltos Petrohué, 6.4 km SW Petrohué; 140 m; 28.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, berlese, leaf & log litter, forest floor. – FMNH (FMHD #97-8); 4 ♂; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, 9.2 km NE Ensenada, on road to Petrohué; 41° 10.20′S 72° 27.10′W; 125 m; 02-28.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 987; valdivian rainforest w/ Nothofagus spp., flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97-10); 7 ♂ and 14 ♀; same locality; 02.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 987; valdivian rainforest w/ Nothofagus spp., berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-085); 4 ♂ and 9 ♀; Ensenada, Las Cascadas road, 0.9 km N of La Burbuja; 41° 11.27′S 72° 32.6′W; 80 m; 16.XII.2002; M. Chani; Nothofagus dombeyi, mixed hardwoods, berlese, litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-38); 11 ♂ and 17 ♀; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Vn Osorno, km 4 to La Burbuja; 41° 09.95′S 72° 30.80′W; 310 m; 27.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1007; secondary valdivian rainforest w/Nothofagus dombeyi- Eucryphia cordifolia berlese, leaf & log litter. – MHNG; 1 ♀; La Arena, 45 km SE Puerto Montt; 100 m; 25.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck. – FMNH (FMHD #97-16); 6 ♂ and 26 ♀; Lago Chapo, near SE end, km 9.9 on road from Rollizo; 41° 30.63′S 72° 23.98′W; 385 m; 04.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 989; valdivian rainforest on steep slope, berlese, leaf & log litter. – MSNG; 1 ♂; Cruce Abtao; SyTC-227; 21.II.1989; S. & T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 4 ♂ and 5 ♀; Abtao, TC-282; 23.II.1991; T. Cekalovic. – Osorno prov.: FMNH (FMHD #96-248); 4 ♂ and 4 ♀; 15.1 km W Puaucho; 40° 34.97′S 73° 37.68′W; 50 m; 30.XII.1996; A. Newton & M. Thayer 984; valdivian rainforest remnant in sm. ravine, w/large ferns, berlese, leaf & log litter. – MHNG; 1 ♂; Puyehue; 05.XI.1979; A. De Chambrier. – MHNG; 5 ♂ and 3 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Anticura Repucura trail; 500 m; 06. II.1985; S. & J. Peck; forest litter. – DBUC; 2 ♂ and 1 ♀; same data; S. & J. Peck. – FMNH (FMHD #4, #85-113); 8 ♀; same data; S. & J. Peck. – UNHC; 10 ♂ and 2 ♀; Puyehue National Park, 4.1 km E Anticura, trap site 662; 430 m; 19-26.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, screen sweeping. – FMNH; 3 ♂; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, screen sweeping at dusk. – FMNH; 30 ♂ and 85 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, voucher associated with larvae. berlese, leaf and log litter. – A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, FMNH; 8 ♂; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, window trap 662. – FMNH (FMHD# 96-250); 166 ♂; Puyehue National Park, 4 km E Anticura; 40° 39.73′S 72° 08.10′W; 460 m; 30.XII.1996/30.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-1; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97-5); 101 ♂; same locality; 30.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-3; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD# 97-4); 14 ♂ and 1 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-2; valdivian rainforest w/ large, Saxegothea, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD# 97-39); 65 ♂ and 108 ♀; same locality; 30.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-3; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD# 97-40); 21 ♂ and 65 ♀; same locality; 30.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-2; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, berlese, leaf and log litter – FMNH (FMHD# 97-41); 25 ♂ and 18 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-1; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, berlese, leaf & log litter. – MHNG; 15 ♂ and 9 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Aguas Calientes, Pionero track; 500 m; 28.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; sifted forest stick litter. – FMNH (FMHD # 85-928, #85-43); 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; same data; S. & J. Peck. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-090); 11 ♂ and 24 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Ruta 215; km 4.5 of Aduana station; 40° 40.23′S 72° 05.21′W; 580 m; 19.XII.2002; A. Newton, M. Thayer, D. J. Clarke & M. Chani 1071; valdivian rainforest, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH; 2 ♂ and 3 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road; 470 m; 20-25.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, berlese, vouchers associated with larvae, leaf & log litter, forest floor. – MHNG; 3 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road; 500-1000 m; 18-20.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; car netting. – FMNH (FMHD #85-923, #85-38); 1 ♂; same data; S. & J. Peck. – MHNG; 6 ♂ and 25 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Aguas Calientes, station 25a; 400-500 m; 31.XII.1990/01.I.1991; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt. – PHPC; 3 ♂ and 5 ♀; Puyehue National Park, near Termes Aguas Calientes, 26.2 km E Entre Lagos; 40° 44.130′S 72° 18.427′W; 460 m; 09-12. III.2008; H. Wood & C. Griswold. – UNHC; 1 ♂; 7.7 km NE Termas de Puyehue, site 664; 200 m; 19-25.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, berlese, leaf & log litter, forest floor. – MHNG; 1 ♂; Umg. Osorno; H. Franz. – MHNG; 3 ♂ and 13 ♀; Pucatrihue, 65 km W Osorno, station 21; 40° 28′S 73° 43′W; 150 m; 04.XII.1984; D. Burckhardt; valdivian rainforest, sifting of moss on dead tree trunks, branches and rocks and of vegetable detritus. – MHNG; 32 ♂ and 123 ♀; 3 km S Maicolpué, Bahìa Mansa; 200 m; 03.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; mixed forest litter. – FMNH (FMHD #85-994, #85-111); 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; same data; S. & J. Peck. – FMNH (FMHD # 96-247); 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Hills S of Maicolpué; 40° 36.57′S 73° 44.91′W; 160 m; 30.XII.1996; A. Newton & M. Thayer 983; disturbed valdivian rainforest, berlese, leaf & log litter. – MSNG; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Los Ñilques; TC-553; 17.I.1998, T. Cekalovic. – Región Los Ríos: Ranco prov.: FMNH (FMHD #85-921, #85-36); 1 ♀; 34 km WNW La Unión; 700 m; 17.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; litter mixed forest, berlese. – UNHC; 3 ♂ and 1 ♀; 4.1 km W Anticura, site 663; 270 m; 19-25.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, flight intercept (windows) trap. – FMNH; 1 ♂ and 16 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, voucher associated with larvae. – Valdivia prov: MHNG; 1 ♂; 35 km N Valdivia; 12.V.1979; T. Cekalovic. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; same data; T. Cekalovic. – FMNH (FMHD #97-42); 1 ♂; Rincón de La Piedra, turnoff, 14.8 km SE Valdivia; 39° 55′ 32″S 73° 06′ 27″W; 50 m; 02. II.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 990; disturbed Valdivian rainforest, with Nothophagus dombeyi and Podocarpus saligna, berlese, litter in ground bromeliad (? Puya sp.). leaf axils (live & dead). – FMNH (FMHD #97-18); 1 ♂; same data; 11.I-01.II.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 990; disturbed Valdivian rainforest, with Nothophagus dombeyi and Podocarpus saligna, flight intercept (windows) trap. – FMNH; 1 ♂; Casa de Piedra, Lago Calafquen; 26.I.1995; T. Cekalovic. – Región Araucanía: Cautín prov.: MHNG; 4 ♂; 15 km NE Villarica, Flor del Lago; 300 m; 14.XII.1984/10.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; 2 FIT Nothophagus forest. – FMNH (FMHD #85-999, #85-116); same data; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; S. & J. Peck. – MHNG; 2 ♂; same locality; 14.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; sifting litter Nothophagus forest. – MHNG; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; 15 km NE Villarica, Flor del Lago, station 16; 500 m; 10.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; sifting forest litter. – UNHC; 2 ♂ and 1 ♀; Bellavista, North shore Villarica Lake, site 655; 310 m; 15-30.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, flood debris forest stream. – FMNH; 4 ♂ and 3 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, vouchers associated with larvae. – MHNG; 5 ♀; Huerquehue National Park, station 17a; 800 m; 22–25.XII.1980; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt; forest litter. – DBUC; 2 ♂; same data; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt. – FMNH; 1 ♂ and 4 ♀; Ñielol National Park, near Temuco, site 652; about 250 m; 14/30.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; native forest remnants with Nothophagus, vouchers associated with larvae, leaf & log litter, forest floor. – FMNH (FMHD #85-909, P#85-23); 1 ♀; Cerro Ñielol National Park, Temuco; 300 m; 13.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; mixed forest litter. – Malleco prov.: MHNG; 6 ♂; 17 km W Angol; 800 m; 08.XII.1984/16.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; FIT mixed Nothophagus. – DBUC; 1 ♂; same data; S. & J. Peck. – MHNG; 1 ♂; Nahuelbuta National Park, 45 km W Angol; 1400 m; 09.XII.1984/16.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; Nothophagus-Araucaria forest, car trap. – MHNG; 1 ♀; Purén, Contulmo Natural Monument; 350 m; 13.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; mixed forest litter. – MHNG; 3 ♂; Purén, Contulmo Natural Monument; 300-600 m; 11.XII.1984/13.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; FIT mixed evergreen forest & MT Nothophagus forest. – FMNH (FMHD# 2002-64); 1 ♂ and 3 ♀; Contulmo Natural Monument, Sendero Lemu Mau; 38° 00.74′S 73° 11.13″W; 410 m; 08.XII.2002; A. Newton & A. Solodovnikov 1059; Nothophagus obliqua-Eucryphia cordifolia w/fern & bamboo understory, flood debris, small stream – Región Bío Bío: Arauco prov.: MSNG; 14 ♂ and 24 ♀; Rio Caramávida; TC-588; 21. III.1999; T. Cekalovic. – Concepción prov.: MHNG; 10 ♂ and 16 ♀; Pinares; 18.III.1973; T. Cekalovic. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; same data; T. Cekalovic. – MHNG; 1 ♂; Pinares; 20.XII.1970; T. Cekalovic. – MHNG; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Hualpén; 05.III.1973; T. Cekalovic. – FMNH; 2 ♂ and 2 ♀; Puente Pelun, TC-342; 18.I.1993; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 7 ♂ and 4 ♀; Puente Pelun; TC-358; 21.II.1993, T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 1 ♂ and 3 ♀; Chiguayante; TC-236; 11.IX.1990; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 1 ♂; Estero Nonguén; TC-460; 27.I.1996; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 10 ♂ and 5 ♀; same locality; TC-462; 06.II.1996, T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; same locality; TC-540; 26.III.1997; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 7 ♂ and 3 ♀; same locality; TC-541a; 27.III.1997; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 1 ♂; Concepciòn, Lonco; TC-245; 01.XI.1989; T. Cekalovic. – MSNG; 1 ♀; Periquillo; TC-311; 15.IX.1992, T. Cekalovic. – Ñuble prov.: MNHN; 1 ♀ (sub A. frontalis); Cordillera of Chillán; 36° 54′S; P. Germain.

  • Achilia lobifera Jeannel, 1962

    Additional material (371 ex.): SOUTHERN CHILI: Región Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena: Última Esperanza prov.: MHNS; 2 ♀ (mislabelled paratypes of Achilia lobifera n° 1667 and 1668) – MHNS; 1 ♀ (mislabelled paratype of Achilia lobifera n° 1660); Carlos Islet; 08.XII.1958; G. Kuschel. – CENTRAL CHILI: Región Aysén: General Carrera prov: MNHN; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Río Murta, NW end of Buenos Aires Lake; 46° 28′S; 25.I.1956; G. Kuschel; forest. – Aysén prov.: MHNG; 9 ♂ and 7 ♀; 30 km N Puyuhuapi, station 107; 100 m; 29.I.1985; S. & J. Peck; sifted moss on logs. – FMNH (FMHD #85-990, #85-107); 2 ♂; same data; S. & J. Peck. – DBUC; 1 ♂; same data; S. & J. Peck. – MHNG; 1 ♂; 16 km NW Cisnes Medio, Río Grande; 200 m; 30.XII.1984-28.I.1985; S. & J. Peck; FIT mature beech forest. – Región Los Lagos: Palena prov.: FMNH (FMHD #97-31); 1 ♀; Austral Highway km 60.2 (4.0 km S Contao turnoff); 41°49.87′S 72° 42.33′W; 140 m; 23.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1001; young secondary valdivian rainforest, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-32); 1 ♂ and 4 ♀; Austral Highway km 67.9 (11.7 km S Contao turnoff); 41°55′S 72° 42′W; 220 m; 23.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1002; young secondary valdivian rainforest, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-33); 3 ♂ and 6 ♀; Austral Highway km 84.0 (17.8 km W Hornopirén); 42°00.57′S 72° 37.02′W; 140 m; 23.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1003; disturbed valdivian rainforest near ridge-top, berlese, leaf & log litter. – Chiloé prov.: MHNG; 1 ♂; Chiloé; H. Franz. – MHNG; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; Chiloé National Park, Cucao, 30 km SW Castro, station 29a; 30 m; 04-06.I.1991; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt; temperate rainforest. – MHNG; 1 ♀; Chiloé National Park, 30 km SW Castro, near Cucao, station 34b; 42° 37′S 74° 08′W; 10-70 m; 28. XII.1992/01.I.1993; D. Burckhardt; sifting of moss on forest floor trees and dead trunks and vegetational debris. – FMNH (FMHD #97-23); 2 ♂ and 1 ♀; Quemchi, 11 km W of (11 km E Hwy 5); 42° 10.42′S 73° 35.81′W; 170 m; 16.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 993; secondary valdivian rainforest, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-068); 2 ♂ and 12 ♀; Quemchi, 11 km W of (11 km E Hwy 5); 42° 10.40′S 73° 35.73′W; 140 m; 10.XII.2002; A. Solodovnikov & A. Newton 1060; valdivian rainforest remnant w/thick bamboo understory; berlese, leaf & log litter. – Llanquihue prov.: MHNG; 2 ♂ and 6 ♀; Alerce Andino National Park, above Laguna Chaiquenes, station 37; 41° 40′S 72° 35′W; 350-650 m; 04.I.1993; D. Burckhardt; mixed Fitzroya cupressoides forest with thick moss cover inside, sifting of moss on floor and tree trunks and vegetational debris. – MHNG; 1 ♀; Alerce Andino National Park, road from park entrance to Laguna Chaiquenes, station 36b; 41° 40′S 72° 35′W; 200-350 m; 03-06.I.1993; D. Burckhardt; sifting of moss on rock, dead wood and forest floor and of vegetational debris. – MHNG; 3 ♂ and 3 ♀; Alerce Andino National Park, Laguna Triàngulo, station 38b; 41° 40′S 72° 35′W; 550 m; 05-06.I.1993; D. Burckhardt; sclerophill rainforest, sifting of moss on tree trunks and of vegetational debris. – FMNH (FMHD #97-30); 1 ♂; Alerce Andino National Park, N side Laguna Sargazo; 41° 30′S 72° 36′W; 400 m; 21.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1000; Fitzroya cupressoides w/valdivian rainforest understory steep slope, berlese, leaf & log litter. – UNHC; 1 ♂; Lago Chapo, 13.5 km E Correntoso, site 656; 310 m; 16-27.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, flight intercept (windows) trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97-16); 1 ♂ and 5 ♀; Lago Chapo, near SE end, km 9.9 on road from Rollizo; 41° 30.63′S 72° 23.98′W; 385 m; 04.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 989; valdivian rainforest on steep slope, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-26); 16 ♂ and 9 ♀; Lago Chapo, 1.2 km N of NW end; 41° 25′S 72° 35′W; 265 m; 19.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 996; small secondary Nothofagus dombeyi w/valdivian rainforest understory, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-39); 1 ♀; Puerto Montt, 50 km SW on Hwy 5, 0.7 km NE jct. to Maullín; 41° 43.20′S 73° 22.27′W; 60 m; 20.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 999; secondary valdivian rainforest remnants, berlese, leaf & log litter. – Osorno prov.: MHNG; 8 ♂ and 7 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Aguas Calientes, station 20b; 40° 40′S 72° 20′W; 450-600 m; 01-03.XII.1992; D. Burckhardt; moss on dead tree trunks, branches and rocks and of vegetable detritus. – MHNG; 17 ♂ and 17 ♀; Puyehue National Park, road Aguas Calientes-Antillanca, station 19b; 40° 45′S 72° 15-20′W; 750-850 m; 30.XI/01.XII.1992; D. Burckhardt; sifting of moss on tree trunks and forest floor and vegetational debris. – MHNG; 13 ♂ and 16 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Aguas Calientes to Antillanca, station 28a; 800 m; 02.I.1991; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; same data; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt. – MHNG; 2 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Aguas Calientes, Los Derrumbes forest; 500 m; 20.XII.1984/08. II.1985; S. & J. Peck; FIT. – FMNH (FMHD #96-246); 1 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road, 7.2 km above Aguas Calientes, 40° 45.55′S 72° 17.82′W; 660 m; 29.XII.1996; A. Newton & M. Thayer 982; valdivian rainforest w/ Saxegothea dominant, dense Chusquea, berlese, leaf & log litter. – MHNG; 5 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road; 500-1000 m; 18-20.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; car netting. – MHNG; 3 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road; 600-1000 m; 20.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; car netting. – UNHC; 1 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road, site 659; 720 m; 18-24.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; Nothophagus spp. forest, flight intercept (windows) trap. – FMNH; 2 ♂ and 7 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road, site 660; 845 m; 18-24.XII.1982; Nothophagus Saxegothea forest, berlese; A. Newton & M. Thayer; leaf & log litter, forest floor. – UNHC; 1 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road, site 661; 690 m; 18-24. XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, window trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97-1); 4 ♂ and 5 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca Road, approaching ski center; 40° 46.85′S 72° 13.03′W; 980 m; 01.I-01.II.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 986; open Nothofagus pumilio forest w/Chusquea, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97-3); 1 ♂ and 22 ♀; same locality; 01.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 986; open Nothofagus pumilio forest w/dense Chusquea, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-82); 12 ♂ and 8 ♀; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Volcàn Osorno, road to Ref. La Picada; 41° 03.25′S 72° 30.18′W; 660 m; 16.XII.2002; A. Solodovnikov, A. Newton & M. Thayer 1067; Nothofagus dombeyi w/conifers dense Chusquea bamboo understory, flat area, berlese, leaf & log litter. – DBUC; 4 ♂ and 4 ♀; same data; A. Solodovnikov, A. Newton & M. Thayer 1067. – FMNH; 3 ♂ and 1 ♀; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Volcàn Osorno, road to Ref. La Picada; 41° 01.05′S 72° 32.90′W; 430 m; 16.XII.2002; M. Thayer, A. Newton & D. J. Clarke 1068; Nothofagus dombeyi w/conifers, pyr.-fogging old logs & stump. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-083); 6 ♂ and 20 ♀; same data; A. Newton, A. Solodovnikov & M. Chani 1068; Nothofagus dombeyi w/conifers, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-12); 1 ♂; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Vn Osorno, km 10.1 to La Burbuja; 41° 08.30′S 72° 32.15′W; 925 m; 03-27.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 988; Nothofagus dombeyi & Podocapus nubigena w/valdivian rainforest understory, carrion trap (squid). – FMNH (FMHD #2002-81); 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Volcàn Osorno, km 10 to La Burbuja; 41° 08.33′S 72° 32.16′W; 910 m; 15.XII.2002; M. Thayer & A. Solodovnikov 1066; Nothofagus dombeyi w/mixed understory, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-35); 1 ♂ and 3 ♀; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Vn Osorno, km 11 to La Burbuja; 41° 07.91′S 72° 32.16′W; 1065 m; 27.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1005; low Nothofagus dombeyi w/ mixed understory, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD# 97-4); 1 ♂; Puyehue National Park, 4 km E Anticura; 40° 39.73′S 72° 08.10′W; 460 m; Newton & M. Thayer 985-2; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97-40); 2 ♂; same locality; 30.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-2; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, berlese, leaf and log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-39); 2 ♂; same locality; 30.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-3; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-5); 1 ♂; same locality; 30.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-3; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-88); 9 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Ruta 215; near Laguna Las Mellizas; 40° 40.8′S 71° 59.4′W; 1000 m; 19. XII.2002; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1070; Nothofagus pumilio forest w/ dense bamboo understory, berlese, wet debris in large stream. – DBUC; 2 ♂; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1070. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-90); 17 ♂ and 11 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Ruta 215; km 4.5 of Aduana station; 40° 40.23′S 72° 05.21′W; 580 m; 19.XII.2002; A. Newton, M. Thayer, D. J. Clarke & M. Chani 1071; valdivian rainforest, berlese, leaf & log litter. – MHNG; 1 ♀; Puyehue National Park, sector Mirador Los Mallines, station 72a; 700 m; 01-03.II.1996; D. Burckhardt; open Nothophagus nitida scrub intergrading into sclerophyll rainforest sifting of moss and vegetational debris. – Región Araucanía: Cautín prov.: MHNG; 1 ♂ and 4 ♀; Huerquehue National Park, station 16a; 800-900 m; 22-24.XII.1980; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt; forest litter. – DBUC; 1 ♀; same data; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt. – FMNH (FMHD #96-239); 2 ♂ and 4 ♀; Villarica National Park, Volcàn Villarica, road to sky center; 39° 22.48′S 71° 58.30′W; 1180 m; 26.XII.1996; A. Newton & M. Thayer 980; Nothofagus dombeyi forest w/Chusquea, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #96-237); 1 ♂; same locality; 26.XII.1996/03.II.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 980; Nothofagus dombeyi forest w/Chusquea, flight intercept trap.

  • Achilia antennalis Jeannel, 1962

    Additional material (124 ex.): CENTRAL ARGENTINA: Neuquén prov.: MNHN; 1 ♂; Saint Martin de los Andes, Lanin reserve; about 40° S; 1000 m; III.1959; specimens wandering on the sandy shores of Lacar Lake; C. Delamare. – MHNS; 1 ♂ (mislabelled as paratype of A. antennalis n° 1679); Saint Martin de los Andes, Lanin reserve; III.1959; C. Delamare. – MNHN; 1 ♂; Chile. MNHN; 1 ♂; Chile; P. Germain. CENTRAL CHILI: Región Los Lagos: Osorno prov.: MHNG; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Anticura Repucura trail; 500 m; 06.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; forest litter. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-087); 5 ♂; Puyehue National Park, W side Paso Cardenal Samoré; 40° 42.65′S 71° 56.66′W; 1305 m; 17.XII.2002; A. Newton, M. Thayer & A. Solodovnikov 1069; timberline Nothofagus pumilio forest with snow patches, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-88); 5 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Ruta 215; near Laguna Las Mellizas; 40° 40.8′S 71° 59.4′W; 1000 m; 19.XII.2002; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1070; Nothofagus pumilio forest w/ dense bamboo understory, berlese, wet debris in large stream. – FMNH (FMHD #96-244); 1 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road, 7.2 km above Aguas Calientes, 40° 45.55′S 72° 17.82′W; 660 m; 29.XII.1996/01.II.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 982; valdivian rainforest w/ Saxegothea dominant, dense Chusquea, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #96-246); 1 ♂; same locality; 29.XII.1996; A. Newton & M. Thayer 982; valdivian rainforest w/ Saxegothea dominant, dense Chusquea, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-41); 2 ♂; Puyehue National Park, 4 km E Anticura; 40° 39.73′S 72° 08.10′W; 460 m; 30.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-1; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, berlese, leaf & log litter. – Región Araucanía: Cautín prov.: MHNG; 1 ♂; Conguillío National Park, station 12a; 950 m; 19-21.XII.1990; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt; forest litter. – MHNG; 1 ♂; Conguillío National Park, Playa Linda, station 13b; 1150 m; 19-20.XII.1990; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt; Nothophagus ant. forest. – FMNH (FMHD #96-228); 2 ♂ and 15 ♀; Conguillío National Park, 11.1 km SE Laguna Captrén guard sta.; 38° 40.05′S 71° 37.21′W; 1080 m; 23.XII.1996; A. Newton & M. Thayer 976; Nothofagus obliqua & alpina, dense Chusquea understory, berlese, leaf & log litter. – DBUC; 2 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer 976. – FMNH (FMHD #96-232); 1 ♂; Conguillío National Park, 4.0 km E Laguna Captrén guard sta.; 38° 38.98′S 71° 39.77′W; 1255 m; 23.XII.1996/05.II.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 976; Nothofagus dombeyi forest, berlese, flood debris along stream. – MHNG; 1 ♂; Huerquehue National Park, station 16a; 800-900 m; 22-24. XII.1990; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt; forest litter. – MHNG; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Huerquehue National Park, Lago Cicho, station 18a; 1250-1350 m; 23.XII.1990; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt; forest litter. – MHNG; 1 ♂; 15 km NE Villarrica, Flor del Lago; 300 m; 14.XII.1984/10.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; Nothophagus forest. – FMNH (FMHD #96-237); 8 ♂; Villarica National Park, Volcàn Villarica, road to sky center; 39° 22.48′S 71° 58.30′W; 1180 m; 26.XII.1996/03.II.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 980; Nothofagus dombeyi forest w/Chusquea, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #96-241); 4 ♂; Villarica National Park, Volcàn Villarica, road to sky center; 39° 23.27′S 71° 57.82′W; 1390 m; 27.XII.1996/03.II.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 981; Nothofagus pumilio forest, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #96-243); 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; same locality; 27.XII.1996; A. Newton & M. Thayer 981; stunted Nothofagus pumilio forest, berlese, leaf & log litter. – UNHC; 2 ♂ and 4 ♀; Volcán Villarica, site 653; 1250 m; 15-29.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; Nothophagus dombeyi and pumilio forest with Chusquea, berlese, leaf & log litter, forest floor. – FMNH; 2 ♂ and 3 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer. – DBUC; 1 ♂ ad 1 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer. – UNHC; 2 ♂; Volcàn Villarica, site 654; 1120 m; 15-29.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; Nothophagus dombeyi and Saxegothea forest with Drimys, flight intercept (windows) trap. – FMNH; 2 ♂; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer. – Malleco prov.: MHNG; 1 ♂; Princesa, 20 km W CuraCautín; 1000 m; 12.XII.1984/16. II.1985; S. & J. Peck; Nothophagus forest. – FMNH (FMHD #97-46); 8 ♂ and 14 ♀; Conguillío National Park, 4.9 km of N entrance (road from CuraCautín); 38° 37.84′S 71° 43.31′W; 1210 m; 05.II.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1009; Araucaria-Nothofagus forest on ash/lava; berlese, litter under Araucaria araucana. – FMNH (FMHD #85-905, #85-19); 4 ♂; 40 km W CuraCautín; 1500 m; 12.XII.1984/16.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; Nothophagus-Araucaria, malaise. – DBUC; 1 ♂; same data; S. & J. Peck. – MHNG; 1 ♂; environs of Malalcahuello; H. Franz. – UNHC; 1 ♂; 6.5 km E Malalcahuello, site 651; 1080 m; 13-31.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; Nothophagus dombeyi forest with Chusquea, berlese, leaf & log litter, forest floor. – FMNH; 1 ♂; same data; S. & J. Peck. – FMNH (FMHD #96-236); 1 ♂; Malalcahuello, 11.1 km E of on road to Lonquimay; 38° 26.32′S 71° 30.11′W; 1350 m; 24.XII.1996; A. Newton & M. Thayer 979; Nothophagus dombesyi-Araucaria araucana forest selectively logged, leaf & log litter. – FMNH; 1 ♂; Tolhuaca National Park, Lago Malleco; 890-925 m; 01.I.1983; A. Newton & M. Thayer; Nothophagus forest, berlese, leaf & log litter, forest floor. – MHNG; 1 ♂; Purén, Contulmo Natural Monument; 300-600 m; 11.XII.1984/13.II.1985; S. & J. Peck; FIT mixed evergreen forest & MT Nothophagus forest. – MNSG; 2 ♂; Salto del Indio; TC-230; 10.III.1989; T. Cekalovic. – Región Bío Bío: Bío Bío prov: MNHN; 1 ♂; Pemehue; 38° 00″S; P. Germain. – Ñuble prov.: MHNS; 1 ♂ (mislabelled as paratype of A. antennalis n° 1684); Chillán; P. Germain. – Región Maule: Talca prov.: FMNH (FMHD #96-208); 1 ♂; Area de Protección Vilches, Piedras Tacitas area; 35° 36.53′S 71° 04.10′W; 1185 m; 17.XII.1996; A. Newton & M. Thayer 101 Nothophagus spp. with shrubs along stream, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #96-209); 3 ♂ and 7 ♀; same locality; 17.XII.1996; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1011; Nothophagus spp. with shrubs along stream, berlese, wet litter at seep. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1011.

  • Giorgio Sabella, Sergey A. Kurbatov, and Giulio Cuccodoro "A revision of the Chilean Brachyglutini – Part 2. Revision of Achilia Reitter, 1890: A. crassicornis, A. tumidifrons, A. bifossifrons, and A. lobifera species groups (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae)," Revue suisse de Zoologie 124(1), 119-140, (1 January 2020).
    Accepted: 26 January 2017; Published: 1 January 2020
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