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1 August 2017 The Advertisement Call and Notes on the Reproductive Ecology of the Glassfrog “Centrolene quindianum (Anura: Centrolenidae)
Julián Alberto Rios-Soto, Ana María Ospina-L, Fernando Vargas-Salinas
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Frogs of the family Centrolenidae have been a good model system in recent studies of evolutionary ecology, biogeography, and systematics; however, the taxonomic status of some species is still uncertain. Knowing aspects about the natural history of such species can offer diagnostic characters useful for species delimitation and hence, baseline data for understanding the biology of the family Centrolenidae. We describe the advertisement call and aspects of the breeding biology of “Centrolene quindianum, a threatened species endemic to the Andes of Colombia whose taxonomic status and phylogenetic relationships require clarification. Between July–December 2015, we performed weekly fieldtrips to monitor the breeding activity of this species in a population located in department of Quindío, western slope of the Central Andes of Colombia. The advertisement call of “C.” quindianum consist of two types of calls. The most frequently emitted call is composed of two notes with amplitude modulation and a dominant frequency of 4,678.1 ± 156.0 Hz; the other type of call is composed of 3–5 notes with high amplitude modulation and a dominant frequency of 4,568.5 ± 61.4 Hz. Calling activity and oviposition was recorded in months with higher precipitation and lower temperature. Clutches contained 26 eggs on average, and the substrate for oviposition was mostly moss-covered tree branches. Egg yolk was usually yellow, although some eggs were green. In addition, we recorded an attempt of amplexus displacement and egg attendance by a female immediately following oviposition.

© 2017 Brazilian Society of Herpetology
Julián Alberto Rios-Soto, Ana María Ospina-L, and Fernando Vargas-Salinas "The Advertisement Call and Notes on the Reproductive Ecology of the Glassfrog “Centrolene quindianum (Anura: Centrolenidae)," South American Journal of Herpetology 12(2), 117-127, (1 August 2017).
Received: 17 May 2016; Accepted: 1 March 2017; Published: 1 August 2017
breeding behavior
natural history
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