Information on home range size and movements can inform the design of protected areas for bird species of conservation concern. Populations of the Ocellated Turkey (Meleagris ocellata), a heavily hunted Yucatán endemic, appear to be declining rapidly throughout its small geographic range, despite large protected areas. We radio-tagged adult males during the breeding season in a protected, mixed-use area in Belize to describe individual and annual variation in home range size and use. Our objectives were to (1) determine the minimum reserve area necessary to sustain a population of this species, (2) evaluate use of data from related species for home range parameters in conservation plans, and (3) help design species-specific survey methods suitable for distance sampling and camera trapping. There were no differences in mean minimum convex polygon (969 ha), 95% fixed kernel (692 ha), and 50% fixed kernel (90 ha) due to breeding strategy or habitat disturbance. The core home ranges of some individuals were restricted to either intact forest or pastures. Across the entire study population, >50% of locations were in areas without closed canopy cover, which suggests that this species can use a matrix of forested and agricultural habitat. Available space-use data reveal that most fully protected areas harboring this species are unlikely to meet minimum reserve area requirements if they were to become completely isolated. In comparison to other, similarly sized galliform species, the mean home range of male Ocellated Turkeys is much larger, possibly because of the idiosyncratic requirements of different mating systems. These large home ranges have implications for transect spacing, camera grid characteristics, photo event sampling, and observer movement rates best suited for accurate surveys of Ocellated Turkeys.
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3 October 2018
Implications of male breeding-season home range movements for population monitoring and minimum reserve area of the Ocellated Turkey (Meleagris ocellata), a threatened Yucatán endemic
Thomas H. Martin,
Richard Buchholz

The Condor
Vol. 120 • No. 4
November 2018
Vol. 120 • No. 4
November 2018
camera trapping
distance sampling
movement rate