Amauroderma s.str. is a genus of polypores with neotropical distribution characterized mainly by species with nontruncated double-walled spores with solid columnar to semireticulate endosporic ornamentation. As a continuation of a study on the taxonomy of the genus in Brazil, specimens with dubious delimitation due to uncertain phylogenetic placement in previous works were carefully examined. A new species, Amauroderma robledoi, from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest is described based on morphological and phylogenetic evidence. It is characterized by the combination of a concentrically zonated reddish brown pilear surface, whitish stipe with grayish transversal bands, and subglobose to broadly ellipsoid ([10.5] 11–12 [12.5] × 9–11 µm), pale yellowish, double-walled basidiospores.