Identifying nesting microhabitat variables associated with nest site choice is important for understanding bird-habitat relationships. We studied nest-site selection at two spatial scales along with structural vegetation variables associated with nesting success of the Abbott's Babbler in north-eastern Thailand. Seventy-nine nests were found during the study. Ninety percent of the nests were placed in rattans (Daemonorops sp. or Calamus sp.). The vegetation and vegetation structure around nest sites (0.01 ha circular plots) were compared with those in areas surrounding the nestsite (4 × 0.01 ha circles), defined as a nest patch, and with randomly selected non-use sites. Nest sites had a significantly higher percentage of foliage cover and a greater cover and abundance of rattans, suggesting that Abbott's Babbler sites its nests in areas with a large number of potential nest sites. There were no clear vegetational differences associated with successful versus failed nests, probably reflecting the diversity of local predators and their search patterns.