Most neglected tropical diseases have their origins fromwildlife species. Emphases over the years on causal organisms have been on bacteria and viruses. However, with the emergence of zoonotic parasites, it is important to consider the wildlife reservoir and the spectrum of their zoonotic parasites. Human activities have increased contact with game, thus humans serve either as intermediate, reservoir or accidental host in the sylvatic cycle. The epidemiological information of these zoonotic wildlife parasites are scanty due to poor surveillance strategies in Africa, therefore prevalence studies are necessary to develop control measures and to conduct consequence assessments in cases of outbreaks. This review emphasizes the role that wildlife plays in spreading zoonotic parasites to other animals and humans and the consequences in Africa. It summarizes the present knowledge about the prevalence and spectrum of zoonotic parasites of wildlife and the human population at risk in Africa. It also gives insight into the dynamics of zoonotic parasites of wildlife. It will also increase our risk perception of zoonotic diseases and help to formulate effective control measures in Africa.
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1 April 2016
Zoonotic Parasites of Wildlife in Africa: A Review
Paul O. Odeniran,
Isaiah O. Ademola