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15 September 2023 A Conceptual Framework on the Fate of Rhizodeposits in Forming Mineral-Associated Organic Matter or Encapsulating Into Microaggreagtes
Ruzhen Wang, Baitao Gu
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Rhizodeposition, as transported from photosynthates and exudated in soils via fine roots, is the pivot linking above- and belowground carbon (C) cycling pathways. Meanwhile, rhizodeposit C serves as “currency” for plant nutrient acquisition because of its critical roles in priming soil microorganisms, maintaining plant-mycorrhizal symbionts, and elongating plant roots. Therefore, a conceptual framework integrating knowledge on the biogeochemical fate of rhizodeposit C can help understand plant nutrient economics and soil C sink function. However, it still remains a great challenge to efficiently delineate the dynamics of rhizodeposit C in soils. In the framework, we present the possible stabilization pathways of rhizodeposit C via formation of mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) or encapsulation by microaggregates. We further propose that continuous and pulse 13CO2 labeling are powerful techniques to track the fate of rhizodeposit C and to quantify how much C could eventually be sequestrated in soils as the component of MAOM or microaggregates. This framework would provide future research possibilities to better optimize plant C allocation and productivity and preserve soil C stocks.

Ruzhen Wang and Baitao Gu "A Conceptual Framework on the Fate of Rhizodeposits in Forming Mineral-Associated Organic Matter or Encapsulating Into Microaggreagtes," Air, Soil and Water Research 16(1), (15 September 2023).
Received: 17 January 2023; Accepted: 1 August 2023; Published: 15 September 2023
carbon allocation
mineral-associated organic matter
mycorrhizal symbiont
soil aggregate
stable isotope
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