We describe Adiantum camptorachis from the Tucumano-Boliviano forests of southern Bolivia and northwestern and central Argentina. This species was previously confused with A. glanduliferum, which is found on the Pacific side of Andes from southern Peru to central Chile. Adiantum camptorachis differs by having rhizome scales with distally ciliate margins, erose pinna margins, and by having a flexuous rachis. We also provide a detailed description for A. rufopunctatum, which had previously been treated as a synonym of A. raddianum by several authors. A key to similar South American species is presented. It includes all species with decompound non-conform laminae and orbicular to reniform or lunate sori in the Southern Cone, including Argentina Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay.
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1 October 2010
Adiantum camptorachis (Pteridaceae), a New Species from South America with Notes on the Taxonomy of Related Species from the Southern Cone and Bolivia
Michael A. Sundue,
Jefferson Prado,
Alan R. Smith
American Fern Journal
Vol. 100 • No. 4
October 2010
Vol. 100 • No. 4
October 2010
new species