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28 March 2022 New Combinations in the Indo-Sri Lankan Genus Uniyala (Asteraceae)
Senniappan Arumugam, Krishnachandran Sampath Kumar
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Based on morphological, palynological and phytogeographical evidence, four new combinations in the genus Uniyala (Asteraceae) are proposed: U. anamallica (Bedd. ex Gamble) K. Sampath Kumar & Arum., U. bourneana (Sm.) Arum. & K. Sampath Kumar, U. gossypina (Gamble) K. Sampath Kumar & Arum., and U. malabarica (Hook. f.) Arum. & K. Sampath Kumar. Lectotypes are designated for the names Vernonia malabarica Hook. f. and V. gossypina Gamble, and a key to all the species of Uniyala is provided.

© Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board
Senniappan Arumugam and Krishnachandran Sampath Kumar "New Combinations in the Indo-Sri Lankan Genus Uniyala (Asteraceae)," Annales Botanici Fennici 59(1), 99-104, (28 March 2022).
Received: 24 August 2021; Accepted: 18 March 2022; Published: 28 March 2022
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