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19 November 2024 Are talonids more evolvable than trigonids? Evidence from North American Paleogene primates
John P. Hunter, Naava Schottenstein, Jukka Jernvall
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Upper molar crown types, characterized by the number, location, and shape of the main cusps alongside the presence and the orientation of cutting edges, facilitate rapid classification of basic morphotypes. This enables broad taxonomic and temporal sampling efficiently. Our research extends the application of crown types to lower molars and premolars of Paleogene primates in North America to categorize the variety of lower premolars and molars that arose among early primates and that likely played a key role in their diversification. We further took advantage of the natural division of lower cheek teeth into a higher (i.e., earlier developing) trigonid and a lower (i.e., later developing) talonid to test evolutionary hypotheses arising from differences in developmental timing. We tested whether the talonid evolved greater diversity in shape than the trigonid, and we assessed the relative contributions of the trigonid and the talonid to the temporal pattern of dental diversification in early primates. In our data, crown type richness generally varied with species sampling. Disparity measures, such as city block distance or total range, may be more independent of species richness, but values were also largely uniform through the p3–m2 series, showed little difference between trigonids and talonids, and were sensitive to the effects of an unusually diverse structure restricted to a single family (i.e., the multi-cusped, bladed premolars of carpolestid plesiadapiforms). Remaining comparisons therefore focused on diversity, rather than disparity of crown types. In p3, the number of talonid crown types outnumbered trigonid crown types by more than two to one. In p4–m2, the number of trigonid and talonid crown types are similar, but species distributions across crown types differed markedly. Species were distributed highly unevenly across trigonid crown type such that at each tooth locus one trigonid crown type tended to dominate whereas others were represented by just one or a few species. Species were somewhat more evenly distributed across talonid crown types. Temporal trends during the Paleogene primate radiation revealed that, overall, crown type richness paralleled species richness. However, separating the trends into trigonid and talonid components revealed a distinct temporal difference between talonid and trigonid diversification. Initially, during a Paleocene phase of the radiation, talonid crown type richness exceeded trigonid crown type richness in p3 and p4, and peaked earlier than trigonid crown type richness in m1 and m2. Later, during the Eocene, trigonid crown type richness either met (p3) or somewhat exceeded (p4–m2) talonid crown type richness. Talonid evolution probably played a greater role than trigonid evolution during the Paleocene phase of the primate radiation, which occurred among plesiadapiform lineages starting from an ancestral condition with a much lower talonid than trigonid. Talonid and trigonid richness trends were more similar during the Eocene phase, which occurred among euprimate and some plesiadapiform lineages where the talonid approached the trigonid in height. This finding underscores the prominent role that highly variable structures play during the early phase of an adaptive radiation.

John P. Hunter, Naava Schottenstein, and Jukka Jernvall "Are talonids more evolvable than trigonids? Evidence from North American Paleogene primates," Annales Zoologici Fennici 61(1), 539-552, (19 November 2024).
Received: 18 March 2024; Accepted: 2 September 2024; Published: 19 November 2024
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