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24 June 2024 A Revision of Bidens (Asteraceae: Coreopsideae) from Bolivia
Mabel A. Lizarazu, Stephan G. Beck, Alfredo Fuentes, Susana E. Freire
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The genus Bidens L. is the largest genus of the Coreopsideae that comprises about 280 species with a global distribution in tropical and temperate climates. An account of the 12 species and three varieties of Bidens occurring in Bolivia is provided, i.e., B. andicola Kunth var. andicola, B. andicola var. heterophylla Kuntze, B. aurea (Aiton) Sherff, B. cynapiifolia Kunth, B. exigua Sherff, B. gardneri Baker, B. herzogii (Sherff) D. J. N. Hind, B. mandonii (Sherff) Cabrera, B. pilosa L., B. pseudocosmos Sherff, B. squarrosa Kunth, B. subalternans DC. var. subalternans, B. subalternans var. simulans Sherff, B. tenera O. E. Schulz, and B. triplinervia Kunth var. macrantha (Wedd.) Sherff. The following three taxa are placed in synonymy: B. buchtienii Sherff is synonymized under B. andicola var. heterophylla; and B. andicola var. tarijensis Sherff and B. andicola f. dissecta Sherff under B. triplinervia var. macrantha. Diodonta coronata (L.) Nutt. is selected as the generitype of Diodonta Nutt. (= Bidens), and 23 lectotypes are designated: one for B. andicola, one for B. andicola var. heterophylla, one for B. gardneri, nine for names applicable to B. pilosa, one for B. pseudocosmos, five for names applicable to B. squarrosa, one for a name applicable to B. tenera, five for names applicable to B. triplinervia var. macrantha; and an epitype is proposed for the name B. odorata Cav. Four taxa are excluded from Bolivia, i.e., B. bipinnata L., B. reptans (L.) G. Don, B. rubifolia Kunth, and B. grandiflora Balb. var. longiloba Kuntze for which specimens have not been traced that confirmed their occurrence in Bolivia. Bidens subalternans var. simulans and B. aurea are reported for the first time from Bolivia. Descriptions, distribution maps, identification key, illustrations, and local vernacular names of all taxa are provided.

Mabel A. Lizarazu, Stephan G. Beck, Alfredo Fuentes, and Susana E. Freire "A Revision of Bidens (Asteraceae: Coreopsideae) from Bolivia," Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 109(1), 163-207, (24 June 2024).
Published: 24 June 2024
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