Figure 7 in the original paper (Uehara and Kume, 2012) contains an error. The figure and caption should be replaced with the following version.
The relationship between rainfall and altitude in 2007 and 2008. and solid line represent September 2007 (R2 = 0.93, y = 8.89x - 1432).
and dotted line represent September 2008 ( R2 = 0.52, y = 13.47x - 756). Except for Jodo-daira, the rainfall data are from Honoki and Watanabe (2008) and Honoki et al. (2009).

References Cited
Y. Uehara
, and A. Kume
, 2012: Canopy rainfall interception and fog capture by Pinus pumila Regal at Mt. Tateyama in the northern Japan Alps, Japan. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 44(1): 143–150, Google Scholar