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16 October 2019 Analysis of the uterine lumen in fertility-classified heifers: I. Glucose, prostaglandins, and lipids
Joao G.N. Moraes, Susanta K. Behura, Thomas W. Geary, Thomas E. Spencer
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Survival and growth of the bovine conceptus (embryo and associated extraembryonic membranes) are dependent on endometrial secretions or histotroph found in the uterine lumen. Previously, serial embryo transfer was used to classify heifers as high fertile (HF), subfertile (SF), or infertile (IF). Here, we investigated specific histotroph components [glucose, prostaglandins (PGs), and lipids] in the uterine lumen of day 17 pregnant and open fertility-classified heifers. Concentrations of glucose in the uterine lumen were increased by pregnancy but did not differ among fertility-classified heifers. Differences in expression of genes encoding glucose transporters and involved with glycolysis and gluconeogenesis were observed between conceptuses collected from HF and SF heifers. In the uterine lumen, PGE2 and PGF2α were increased by pregnancy, and HF heifers had higher concentrations of PGE2, PGF2α, and 6-keto-PFG1α than SF heifers. Differences were found in expression of genes regulating PG signaling, arachidonic acid metabolism, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor signaling among conceptuses and endometrium from fertility-classified heifers. Lipidomics was conducted exclusively in samples from HF heifers, and phosphatidylcholine was the main lipid class that increased in the uterine lumen by pregnancy. Expression of several lipid metabolism genes differed between HF and SF conceptuses, and a number of fatty acids were differentially abundant in the uterine lumen of pregnant HF and SF heifers. These results support the ideas that uterine luminal histotroph impacts conceptus survival and programs its development and is a facet of dysregulated conceptus–endometrial interactions that result in loss of the conceptus in SF cattle during the implantation period of pregnancy establishment.

Summary Sentence

Conceptus–endometrium interactions differ in fertility-classified heifers and impact uterine luminal contents.

© The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Society for the Study of Reproduction. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
Joao G.N. Moraes, Susanta K. Behura, Thomas W. Geary, and Thomas E. Spencer "Analysis of the uterine lumen in fertility-classified heifers: I. Glucose, prostaglandins, and lipids," Biology of Reproduction 102(2), 456-474, (16 October 2019).
Received: 11 June 2019; Accepted: 1 October 2019; Published: 16 October 2019
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