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25 April 2020 A cell-based high-content screen identifies isocotoin as a small molecule inhibitor of the meiosis-specific MEIOB–SPATA22 complex
Yang Xu, Rong Liu, N. Adrian Leu, Lei Zhang, Ilsiya Ibragmova, David C. Schultz, P. Jeremy Wang
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MEIOB and SPATA22 are meiosis-specific proteins, interact with each other, and are essential for meiotic recombination and fertility. Aspartic acid 383 (D383) in MEIOB is critical for its interaction with SPATA22 in biochemical studies. Here we report that genetic studies validate the requirement of D383 for the function of MEIOB in mice. The MeiobD383A/D383A mice display meiotic arrest due to depletion of both MEIOB and SPATA22 proteins in the testes. We developed a cell-based bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assay, in which MEIOB and SPATA22 are fused to split YFP moieties and their co-expression in cultured cells leads to the MEIOB–SPATA22 dimerization and reconstitution of the fluorophore. As expected, the interaction-disrupting D383A substitution results in the absence of YFP fluorescence in the BiFC assay. A high-throughput screen of small molecule libraries identified candidate hit compounds at a rate of 0.7%. Isocotoin, a hit compound from the natural product library, inhibits the MEIOB–SPATA22 interaction and promotes their degradation in HEK293 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Therefore, the BiFC assay can be employed to screen for small molecule inhibitors that disrupt protein–protein interactions or promote degradation of meiosis-specific proteins.

Summary sentence

A cell-based bimolecular fluorescence complementation screening assay identifies isocotoin that promotes degradation of MEIOB and SPATA22.

© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Society for the Study of Reproduction. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
Yang Xu, Rong Liu, N. Adrian Leu, Lei Zhang, Ilsiya Ibragmova, David C. Schultz, and P. Jeremy Wang "A cell-based high-content screen identifies isocotoin as a small molecule inhibitor of the meiosis-specific MEIOB–SPATA22 complex," Biology of Reproduction 103(2), 333-342, (25 April 2020).
Received: 29 February 2020; Accepted: 22 April 2020; Published: 25 April 2020
male contraception
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