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15 May 2020 Loss of myosin VI expression affects acrosome/acroplaxome complex morphology during mouse spermiogenesis
Przemysław Zakrzewski, Maria Jolanta Redowicz, Folma Buss, Marta Lenartowska
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During spermiogenesis in mammals, actin filaments and a variety of actin-binding proteins are involved in the formation and function of highly specialized testis-specific structures. Actin-based motor proteins, such as myosin Va and VIIa, play a key role in this complex process of spermatid transformation into mature sperm. We have previously demonstrated that myosin VI (MYO6) is also expressed in mouse testes. It is present in actin-rich structures important for spermatid development, including one of the earliest events in spermiogenesis—acrosome formation. Here, we demonstrate using immunofluorescence, cytochemical, and ultrastructural approaches that MYO6 is involved in maintaining the structural integrity of these specialized actin-rich structures during acrosome biogenesis in mouse. We show that MYO6 together with its binding partner TOM1/L2 is present at/around the spermatid Golgi complex and the nascent acrosome. Depletion of MYO6 in Snell's waltzer mice causes structural disruptions of the Golgi complex and affects the acrosomal granule positioning within the developing acrosome. In summary, our results suggest that MYO6 plays an anchoring role during the acrosome biogenesis mainly by tethering of different cargo/membranes to highly specialized actin-related structures.

Summary Sentence

Myosin VI is required for the maintenance of correct morphology of testis-specific actin-containing structures important for acrosome development in mouse such as the Golgi complex and the acrosome–acroplaxome complex.

© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Society for the Study of Reproduction. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact
Przemysław Zakrzewski, Maria Jolanta Redowicz, Folma Buss, and Marta Lenartowska "Loss of myosin VI expression affects acrosome/acroplaxome complex morphology during mouse spermiogenesis," Biology of Reproduction 103(3), 521-533, (15 May 2020).
Received: 2 February 2020; Accepted: 14 May 2020; Published: 15 May 2020
Actin cytoskeleton
Golgi complex
myosin VI
Snell's waltzer mice
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