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22 February 2023 Transplantation and enrichment of busulfan-resistant primordial germ cells into adult testes for efficient production of germline chimeras in songbirds
Kyung Min Jung, Young Min Kim, Jae Yong Han
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Zebra finch is a unique model for behavioral, neural, and genomic studies of vocal learning. Several transgenic zebra finches have been produced, although the germline transmission efficiencies are reportedly low. Recently, there have been attempts to produce germline chimeras using primordial germ cells (PGCs). However, this has been hampered by difficulties associated with the manipulation of the small eggs and the fact that the zebra finch is an altricial species that requires parental care after birth, unlike precocial chickens. Consequently, it is difficult to transplant PGCs into embryos and maintain the chimeras. Here, we developed a busulfan-mediated system for transplantation of PGCs into adult testes, to produce germline chimeras with an improved germline transmission capacity. We established microsomal glutathione-S-transferase II (MGSTII)-overexpressing PGCs that are resistant to busulfan, which induces germ cell-specific cytotoxicity, and transplanted them into testes rendered temporarily infertile by busulfan. The recipients were given a second dose of busulfan to deplete endogenous germ cells and enrich the transplanted cells, and donor cell-derived spermatogenesis was accomplished. This method requires fewer recipients due to higher survival rates, and there is no need to wait for maturation of the founders, which is required when transplanting PGCs into embryos. These results are expected to improve transgenic zebra finch production.

Summary Sentence

Transplantation of busulfan-resistant PGCs into the adult testes and enrichment of donor cells by eliminating endogenous germ cells with busulfan treatment of recipients improved the efficiency of germline chimera production in songbirds.

© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Society for the Study of Reproduction. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
Kyung Min Jung, Young Min Kim, and Jae Yong Han "Transplantation and enrichment of busulfan-resistant primordial germ cells into adult testes for efficient production of germline chimeras in songbirds," Biology of Reproduction 108(2), 1-8, (22 February 2023).
Received: 1 July 2022; Accepted: 13 November 2022; Published: 22 February 2023
germline chimera
primordial germ cells
Zebra Finch
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