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28 January 2017 A nonsense mutation in Ccdc62 gene is responsible for spermiogenesis defects and male infertility in repro29/repro29 mice
Yuchi Li, Cailing Li, Shouren Lin, Bo Yang, Weiren Huang, Hanwei Wu, Yuanbin Chen, Lihua Yang, Manling Luo, Huan Guo, Jianbo Chen, Tiantian Wang, Qian Ma, Yanli Gu, Lisha Mou, Zhimao Jiang, Jun Xia, Yaoting Gui
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Phenotype-driven mutagenesis is an unbiased method to identify novel genes involved in spermatogenesis and other reproductive processes. Male repro29/repro29 mice generated by the Reproductive Genomics Program at the Jackson Laboratory were infertile with deformed sperm and poor motility. Using selected exonic capture and massively parallel sequencing technologies, we identified a nonsense mutation in the exon 6 of coiled-coil domain-containing 62 gene (Ccdc62), which results in a formation of a premature stop codon and a truncated protein. Among the tissues examined, CCDC62 was found to be expressed at the highest level in mouse testis by reverse transcriptase-PCR (RT-PCR) andWestern blot analysis.With immunofluorescent staining, we demonstrated that CCDC62 was expressed in the cytoplasm and the developing acrosome in the spematids of mouse testis, and was specifically localized at the acrosome in mature sperm. The complementation analysis by mating repro29/+ mice with Ccdc62 -/- mice (generated by CRISPRCas9 strategy) further provided genetic proof that the infertility of repro29/repro29 micewas caused by Ccdc62 mutation. Finally, it was found that intracellular colocalization and interaction of CCDC62 and Golgi-associated PDZ and coiled-coil motif-containing protein may be important for acrosome formation. Taken together, this study identified a nonsense mutation in Ccdc62, which directly results in male infertility in repro29/repro29 mice.

Summary Sentence

This study identified a nonsense mutation in coiled-coil domain-containing 62 gene (Ccdc62) in repro29/repro29 mice, which directly resulted in spermiogenesis defects and male infertility in the mice.

© The Authors 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Society for the Study of Reproduction. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
Yuchi Li, Cailing Li, Shouren Lin, Bo Yang, Weiren Huang, Hanwei Wu, Yuanbin Chen, Lihua Yang, Manling Luo, Huan Guo, Jianbo Chen, Tiantian Wang, Qian Ma, Yanli Gu, Lisha Mou, Zhimao Jiang, Jun Xia, and Yaoting Gui "A nonsense mutation in Ccdc62 gene is responsible for spermiogenesis defects and male infertility in repro29/repro29 mice," Biology of Reproduction 96(3), 587-597, (28 January 2017).
Received: 21 April 2016; Accepted: 24 January 2017; Published: 28 January 2017
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