Our joint conference in 2023 is in partnership with the Oriental Bird Club, and will be held in collaboration with the Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, on Saturday 16 September 2023, in the museum's Flett Theatre. We are delighted that the keynote speech will be given by Dr Pamela Rasmussen on Avian taxonomy in the era of citizen science. Pam is the recently appointed lead taxonomist for Birds of the world at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and her long list of achievements includes co-authoring Birds of South Asia: the Ripley guide and 11 descriptions of new Asian bird species. In India, she was part of the team that rediscovered Forest Owlet Athene blewitti. Other talks will be as follows: Sayam Chowdhury Can we still save the Masked Finfoot [Heliopais personatus]; James Eaton Successes and failures; how to find or fail in the quest for new and lost birds; and Mike Edgecombe Mongolia—birds and more in Asia's wild wilderness. Doors will open at 10.00 h for a 10.30 h start. Tea and coffee will be available mid-morning and mid-afternoon. The conference will end at about 16.30 h.
The BOC has since 2017 become an online organisation without a paying membership, but instead one that aspires to a supportive network of Friends who share its vision of ornithology—see: http://boc-online.org/. Anyone wishing to become a Friend of the BOC and support its development should pay UK£25.00 by standing order or online payment to the BOC bank account:
Barclays Bank, 16 High Street, Holt, NR25 6BQ, Norfolk
Sort Code: 20-45-45
Account number: 53092003
Account name: The British Ornithologists' Club
Friends receive regular updates about Club events and are also eligible for discounts on the Club's Occasional Publications. It would assist our Treasurer, Richard Malin (e-mail: rmalin21@gmail.com), if you would kindly inform him if you intend becoming a Friend of the BOC.
Since volume 137 (2017), the Bulletin of the BOC has been an online journal, published quarterly, that is available to all readers without charge. Furthermore, it does not levy any publication charges (including for colour plates) on authors of papers and has a median publication time from receipt to publication of five to six months. Prospective authors are invited to contact the Bulletin editor, Guy Kirwan (GMKirwan@ aol.com), to discuss future submissions or look at http://boc-online.org/bulletin/bulletin-contributions. Back numbers up to volume 136 (2016) are available via the Biodiversity Heritage Library website: www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/46639#/summary;vols. 132–136 are also available on the BOC website: http://boc-online.org/
BOC Occasional Publications are available from the BOC Office or online at info@boc-online.org. Future BOC-published checklists will be available from NHBS and as advised on the BOC website. As its online repository, the BOC uses the British Library Online Archive (in accordance with IZCN 1999, Art.
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