LaRade, S. E. and Bork, E. W. 2011. Short Communication: Aspen forest overstory relations to understory production. Can. J. Plant Sci. 91: 847-851. We examined the relationship between aspen cover and understory production across two topographic positions and two management systems within the Aspen Parkland of eastern Alberta. Understory biomass typically declined with increasing overstory, with greater yield losses on north-facing forests than bottomlands. Browse often compensated for herbage loss, and limited evidence of facilitative growth was observed.
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1 September 2011
Short Communication: Aspen forest overstory relations to understory production
Shawna E. LaRade,
Edward W. Bork
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Aspen removal
biomasse des herbages
emplacement topographique
espèces de broutage