Galeruca daurica (Joannis) is a new pest on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, China. It is univoltine and overwinters in the egg stage. Larvae and adults feed on the foliage of Allium plants. To assess the requirements to terminate egg diapause and subsequent effects on post-diapause development rate, eggs were held at different temperature regimes. Exposure to low temperatures was required to terminate egg diapause. Prolonged exposure (2mo vs 1 mo) to 5°C and outside ambient conditions (mean temperature: 10.5°C; range: _7.1–21.6°C) enhanced the termination of egg diapause. Prolonged exposure also reduced the time to egg hatch; e.g., eggs held for 2mo versus 1mo at 5°C developed more quickly when subsequently placed at warmer temperatures. Egg hatch was observed at 17, 21, 25, and 29°C, but not at 15°C. Regression analysis identified 16.2°C as the minimum temperature for post-diapause development. The temperature requirement to complete embryonic development (from diapause termination to egg hatch) was calculated to be 103.1 to 140.9 degree-days.