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5 April 2023 Tree canopy cover and elevation affect the distribution of red harvester ant nests in a peri-urban setting
Lilly V. Elliott-Vidaurri, Isabel Martinez, Engil Pereira, Hannah J. Penn, Robin A. Choudhury
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With an increase in human population over the past 30 years, regional land use in southTexas has shifted from grassland and shrubland to a peri-urban matrix. Despite this shift from natural areas to more anthropogenically modified habitats, native red harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex barbatus) have maintained nest sites within parts of these matrices. To determine which habitat characteristics in a peri-urban landscape may play a role in red harvester ant nest site selection, we mapped the location of nests in 2020 and 2021. We then evaluated nest presence and absence relative to elevation, percentage of surrounding impervious surfaces, distance to roadways, and tree canopy cover (using NDVI). For a sub-sample of the study site, we also measured soil moisture and estimated the potential foraging area per colony with Voronoi tessellation. We found that nests were clustered together near high human-use areas such as athletic fields, lawns, sidewalks, and railroad tracks. Nests were more likely to be found in areas with higher elevation and lower tree canopy cover, with no impact from surrounding impervious surfaces or soil moisture. In fact, many nests were observed immediately adjacent to roadways and in paved parking lots. Red harvester ants are highly adept at nesting in disturbed, urbanized matrices, but still appear to be constrained by certain environmental factors like shading, potential flood risk (elevation), and access to food resources (foraging area).

Lilly V. Elliott-Vidaurri, Isabel Martinez, Engil Pereira, Hannah J. Penn, and Robin A. Choudhury "Tree canopy cover and elevation affect the distribution of red harvester ant nests in a peri-urban setting," Environmental Entomology 52(3), 510-520, (5 April 2023).
Received: 24 October 2022; Accepted: 7 March 2023; Published: 5 April 2023

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human–insect interaction
impervious surface
soil moisture
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