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1 March 2018 Neoscapteriscus borellii and Neoscapteriscus tenuis (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae): First Record in Tobacco Plantations in the State of Bahia, Brazil
Kleber de Sousa Pereira, Oton Meira Marques, Anderson Puker, Marcelo Ribeiro Pereira, José Cola Zanuncio
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The mole crickets Neoscapteriscus borellii (Giglio-Tos) and Neoscapteriscus tenuis (Scudder) (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) are recorded for the first time in Bahia State, Brazil in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. [Solanaceae]) plantations. Insects were collected using pitfall traps in tobacco plantations in the municipalities of Cruz das Almas, Governador Mangabeira, and Muritiba, Bahia, Brazil. The presence of nymphs and adults of these species suggests that mole crickets may threaten tobacco productivity due to the root damage caused by excavation and/or feeding by these subterraneous insects.

Kleber de Sousa Pereira, Oton Meira Marques, Anderson Puker, Marcelo Ribeiro Pereira, and José Cola Zanuncio "Neoscapteriscus borellii and Neoscapteriscus tenuis (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae): First Record in Tobacco Plantations in the State of Bahia, Brazil," Florida Entomologist 101(1), 125-127, (1 March 2018).
Published: 1 March 2018
insetos alimentadores de raiz
Mole crickets
Nicotiana tabacum
Recôncavo Baiano
root-feeding insects
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