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1 September 2009 Synonymy of Aleochara (Aleochara) Claviger and A. niponensis (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), and First Record of A. claviger in Korea
Jong-Seok Park, Kee-Jeong Ahn
Author Affiliations +

While studying Korean Aleochara Graven-horst, we found a species new to the Korean fauna. After detailed comparisons with many types of the East Asian Aleochara, the species was identified as A. claviger Sharp. In addition, we noticed that the holotype of A. niponensis Sharp was very similar to A. claviger. Diagnostic characteristics (shape of antennomeres, male tergite VIII, male sternite VIII, median lobe, and paramere) of A. niponensis were not sufficient to maintain the separation of A. niponensis and A. claviger.

Therefore, after studying the holotype of A. niponensis and 431 specimens of A. claviger, including 2 syntypes, we synonymize A. niponensis under A. claviger. We also designate the lectotype of A. claviger and report the species for the first time in Korea. All Korean specimens studied are deposited in the Chungnam National University Insect Collection (CNUIC) and Hannam University Natural History Museum (HUNHM), Daejeon, Korea.

Aleochara (Aleochara) claviger Sharp
(Figs. 12)

  • Aleochara claviger Sharp, 1874: 7; Fenyes, 1920: 399; Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz, 1926: 776; Smetana, 2004: 353 (cited as clavigera).

  • Aleochara niponensis Sharp, 1888: 281; Fenyes, 1920: 404; Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz, 1926: 783; Smetana, 2004: 354. New synonym.

  • Description. Length 4.5–8.2 mm. Body large and robust; pubescence and microsculpture absent; black or brownish black. Elytra brown to black with inner apical and lateral margins darker. Antennomeres 1–3 and legs brown or brownish black. Carina on each side of midline of ventral side of head incomplete (fading before attaining gular suture) (Fig. 1b). Eyes large and prominent. Antennomeres 1–3 longer than wide, 4– 10 transverse. Mouthparts. Labrum (Fig. 1c) transverse, about 18 small and dull setae, about 30 long setae; a- and b-setae and pores present apically. Labral b-seta rounded apically (Fig. 1c). Labium (Fig. 1d) with pseudopores in median area, about 3 real pores and several pseudopores in lateral area. Maxillary palpomere 4 at least ½ as long as penultimate; palpomere 1 smallest, 3 longest, 4 as long as 2 and pubescent. Mandible without internal tooth. Ligula with about 3 small setae apically (Fig. 1d). Prementum without distal-seta and basal-pore (Fig. 1d). Labial palpi (Fig. 1e) with 12 setae (a-h, α-δ), a, b, e, f setae large; β-seta short and closer to tp than to a-seta; c- and d-seta at same level. Mentum (Fig. 1f) transverse, with 4 pairs of main setae (b, u, v, w), 2 extra setae, and pores. Mesosternum not carinate (Fig. 1a). Abdominal tergite VIII (Fig. 2a) with many setae and pores; posterior margin weakly rounded. Male sternite VIII (Fig. 2b) with many setae and pores; posterior margin weakly rounded; posterior area with many short setae marginally. Female sternite VIII (Fig. 2c) with many setae and pores; posterior margin weakly rounded and with many small setae. Median lobe as in Figs. 2e and f. Paramere as in Fig. 2d. Spermatheca coiled closely but irregularly, as in Fig. 2g.

  • Materials Examined. Lectotype, labeled as follows: Japan, G. Lewis, Sharp Coll. 1905–313.; Lectotype, Aleochara claviger Sharp, Desig. Park & Ahn, 2007. Deposited in the Natural History Museum (NHM, London); Paralectotype, 1, labeled as follow: Japan. G. Lewis. 1910–320.; Paralectotype, Aleochara claviger Sharp, Desig. Park & Ahn, 2007. Deposited in the Natural History Museum (NHM, London); KOREA: Gyeonggi Prov.: Namyangju-city, Sudong-myeon, Oibang-ri, Mt. Chunkryongsan, 12 IX — 14 IX 1999, US Hwang, HJ Kim, ex Bait trap (1, CNUIC); Seoul, Dongseon-dong, Mt. Gaewonsan, 22 VI 1985, YS Kim (13, CNUIC); Mt. Gaewonsan, 9 V 1988, YS Kim (3, CNUIC); Paju-city, Mt. Gamaksan, 8 IX 1984, YS Kim (24 ♂♀ , CNUIC); Gangwon Prov.: Jeongsun-gun, Mt. Gariwangsan, 12 VIII — 14 VIII 1998, HJ Lim, KL You, ex bait trap (11 ♂♀, 1 ♂♀ on slide, CNUIC); Wonju-city, Mt. Chiaksan, Kuryong Area, 10 VII 1999, US Hwang, HJ Kim, ex FIT (1, CNUIC); Pyeongchang-gun, Bangrim-myeon, Unkyo2-ri, Mt. Baekdeoksan, 12 VII — 16 VIII 2001, KJ Ahn, SJ Park, CW Shin, ex FIT (2, CNUIC); Injae-gun, Mt. Jumbongsan, Gombaeyong, 23 VIII — 30 VIII 1999, US Hwang, ex bait trap (1, CNUIC); Pyeongchang-gun, Cheongdong-ri, Mt. Sambangsan, 13 VII — 15 VIII 2001, KJ Ahn, SJ Park, CW Shin, ex FIT in Pinus forest (1, CNUIC); Noron-ri, Mt. Sambangsan, 13 VII — 15 VIII 2001, KJ Ahn, SJ Park, CW Shin, ex FIT (1, CNUIC); Chungnam Prov.: Gongju-city, Banpo-myeon, Mt. Gyeoryongsan, Temple Donghaksa, 26 V 1983, YB Cho (4 ♂♀, CNUIC); Daejeon-city, Sutonggol, 21 IV 1998, KJ Ahn, HJ Kim, HJ Lim, KL Yu ex bait trap (4 ♂♀, CNUIC); Yu-seong-gu, Gung-dong, Chungnam National Univ., 20 VI 2000, SJ Park (1, CNUIC); Taean-gun, Taean-eup, Mt. Baehwasan, 6 VII — 25 VIII 2001, SJ Park, CW Shin, ex FIT (1, CNUIC); Gyeongbuk Prov.: Uleung-do, Uleung-gun, Uleung-eup, Tonggumi, 31VII — 31VIII 2001, YB Cho, ex bait trap (290♂ ♂ on slide, CNUIC); Buk-myeon; Naribunji (3939 ♂ ♀, HUNHM); Uljin-gun, Onjong-myeon, Mt. Paekamsan, 11 VII — 13 VII 1999, US Hwang, HJ Kim, ex bait trap (9 ♂ ♀, CNUIC); Gyeongnam Prov.: Sacheon-eup, Guam-ri, 5 V 1986, KS Lee (17 ♂ ♀, CNUIC); CHINA: Szechuan, Tatsienlu, Nitou, Em. Reitter (2, NHM); Tempelberg 900m, Ginyün b. Bébé, C. China, Rttr. (3, NHM); JAPAN: G. Lewis. 1905–313 (1, holotype of A. niponensis), Deposited in the Natural History Museum (NHM, London).

  • Distribution. Korea, China, and Japan.

  • Remarks. Aleochara (Aleochara) claviger Sharp can be distinguished from A. brevipennis, A. coreana, A. curtula, A. kochi, and A. parens by having a straight posterior margin of male tergite VIII (Fig. 2a). This species differs from A. lata in having brown or brownish black antennomere 1∼3. Additionally, A. claviger differs from all other East Asian species of the subgenus Aleochara in having many short setae on the posterior area of male sternite VIII (Fig. 2b) and a coiled spermatheca (Fig. 2g).

  • We thank Dr. R. Booth (The Natural History Museum, London, England) for loan of type specimens. This research was supported by the grant (KIEST 052-081-072) from the Ministry of Environment of the Korean Government.

  • Fig. 1.

    Aleochara (Aleochara) claviger, a: meso- and metasternum, ventral aspect; b: head, ventral aspect; c: labrum, dorsal aspect; d: labium, ventral aspect; e: labial palpus, ventral aspect; f: mentum, ventral aspect. Scale bars = 0.1 mm.


    Fig. 2.

    Aleochara (Aleochara) claviger, a: tergite VIII, dorsal aspect; b: male sternite VIII, ventral aspect; c: female sternite VIII, ventral aspect; d: paramere, lateral aspect; e: median lobe, lateral aspect; f: median lobe, dorsal aspect; g: spermatheca, dorsal aspect. Scale bars = 0.1 mm.



    A taxonomic study of Aleochara (Aleochara) claviger Sharp, identified for the first time in Korea, is presented. The lectotype of A. claviger is designated and A. niponensis Sharp is synonymized under A. claviger. Illustrations of the diagnostic characters and redescription are provided.



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    Jong-Seok Park and Kee-Jeong Ahn "Synonymy of Aleochara (Aleochara) Claviger and A. niponensis (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), and First Record of A. claviger in Korea," Florida Entomologist 92(3), 521-523, (1 September 2009).
    Published: 1 September 2009
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