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1 June 2013 Taxonomic Notes on Ctenuchina, Euchromiina, and Phaegopterina (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Arctiini)
LíVia R. Pinheiro, Marcelo Duarte
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Taxonomic notes on specific and generic names of Ctenuchina, Euchromiina, and Phaegopterina are provided. Five new synonymies are established: Cercopimorpha complexa Gaede (= Neacerea tetilla Dognin), Episcepsis scintillans Rothschild (= Heliura luctuosa Möschler), Eucereon theophanes Schaus (= Eucereon metoidesis Hampson), Delphyre leucomela Kaye (= Teucer apicalis Rothschild), and Cosmosoma albipuncta (= Cosmosoma harpalyce Schaus). We also propose the following nomenclatural changes: Ecdemus carmania (Druce) new combination, Episcepsis luctuosa (Möschler) new combination, and Pseudopharus nigra (Schaus) new combination. Additionally, lectotypes are designated for Neacerea tetilla Dognin, Pezaptera carmania Druce, Eucereon theophanes Schaus Delphyre leucomela Kaye, and Cosmosoma harpalyce Schaus.

LíVia R. Pinheiro and Marcelo Duarte "Taxonomic Notes on Ctenuchina, Euchromiina, and Phaegopterina (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Arctiini)," Florida Entomologist 96(2), 351-359, (1 June 2013).
Published: 1 June 2013
combinação nova
new combination
new synonym
sinônimo novo
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