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1 November 2017 Spatial distribution of bats (Chiroptera) in valleys at northern latitudes in Europe
Tore Christian Michaelsen
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This study explores the spatial distribution of bats around lakes in valleys around 62° N in western Norway. Stationary ultrasound detectors were used to record ultrasound at various distances from the shores of lakes during the bats late pregnancy and lactation period. In this landscape, northern bat was the most commonly recorded species, followed by Myotis bats (pooled) and the soprano pipistrelle. None of the other European bat genera were present. There was a clear non-linear distribution pattern, with a steep increase in bat activity close to the shores. This is similar to what is found in fiords and thus could be a general pattern in landscapes with complex topography. Both climate and topography are factors likely to contribute to this pattern.

Tore Christian Michaelsen "Spatial distribution of bats (Chiroptera) in valleys at northern latitudes in Europe," Folia Zoologica 66(3), 196-202, (1 November 2017).
Received: 31 March 2017; Accepted: 1 September 2017; Published: 1 November 2017
Eptesicus nilssonii
Pipistrellus pygmaeus
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