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22 December 2021 Bryum klinggraeffii and Philonotis marchica – new to the bryoflora of Croatia
Anja Rimac, Antun Alegro, Vedran Šegota, Nikola Koletić, Beata Papp
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Rimac, A., Alegro, A., Šegota, V., Koletić, N. & Papp, B. 2021. Bryum klinggraeffii and Philonotis marchica – new to the bryoflora of Croatia. – Herzogia 34: 255 –266.

Two new records for the still quite underexplored Croatian bryophyte flora are presented. The ephemeral colonist Bryum klinggraeffii was recorded in pioneer dwarf-cyperaceous vegetation along sandy banks of two lowland watercourses of Central and Eastern Croatia (Continental Biogeographical Region), while turfs of Philonotis marchica were found on submerged and exposed carbonate rocks in a fast-flowing karstic river in the mountainous region of Gorski Kotar (Alpine Biogeographical Region). Here we provide a detailed description of ecological conditions and a vegetation account for all sites of occurrence of these species in Croatia. These findings of quite rare species, especially P. marchica, which is listed as endangered on European level, also represent a valuable contribution to the bryoflora of Southeast Europe, the European region with the greatest deficit in knowledge of bryophytes.

Anja Rimac, Antun Alegro, Vedran Šegota, Nikola Koletić, and Beata Papp "Bryum klinggraeffii and Philonotis marchica – new to the bryoflora of Croatia," Herzogia 34(2), 255-266, (22 December 2021).
Accepted: 27 September 2021; Published: 22 December 2021
karstic river
Platyhypnidio-Fontinalietea antipyreticae
river margin
Southeast Europe
Water Framework Directive
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