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30 June 2021 On records of Dryophilus forticornis Abeille de Perrin, 1875 (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) from Italy and Croatia
Gianluca Nardi
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Dryophilus forticornis Abeille de Perrin, 1875 (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) is excluded from the faunas of Italy and Croatia, from where it was erroneously reported in the past.

The object of this note is to discuss the occurrence of Dryophilus forticornis Abeille de Perrin, 1875 in Italy and Croatia, chiefly in view of the forthcoming new edition of the checklist of Italian Bostrichoidea (Nardi, in preparation).

Author's interpolations are given in square brackets.

Dryophilus forticornis Abeille de Perrin, 1875

  • Dryophilus [(Dryophilus)] forticornis Abeille de Perrin, 1875: Abeille de Perrin 1875: 212.

  • Dryophilus forticornis [Abeille de Perrin, 1875]: Kiesenwetter 1877: 94.

  • Dryophilus (Homophthalmus) forticornis Abeille [de Perrin]: Reitter 1883: 122; Heyden 1891: 459.

  • Dryophilus forticornis Abeille [de Perrin]: Ragusa 1896: 90, footnote.

  • Dryophilus [(Dryophilus)] forticornis Abeille [de Perrin]: Schilsky 1898: 12–12a.

  • Dryophilus [(Dryophilus)] forticornis: Schilsky 1899: 36 U.

  • Dryophilus (Dryophilus) forticornis Ab.: Reitter 1901: 9; Winkler 1927: 799; Luigioni 1929: 644; Porta 1929: 431.

  • Dryophilus (Dryophilus in. sp.) forticornis Ab.: Heyden 1906: 427.

  • Dryophilus forticornis Ab.: Pic 1912: 11; Bodenheimer 1932: 58, 1937: 132; Novak 1952: 198; EspaÑOl 1977: 6.

  • Dryophilus (in. sp. [= Dryophilus]) forticornis Ab.-Perr.: Jacobson 1915: 818.

  • Dryophilus forticornis Abeille de Perrin: Halperin & Español 1978: 7.

  • Dryophilus forticornis Abeille de Perrin, 1875: Audisio et al. 1995: 8; Sparacio 1997: 83; Zahradník et al. 2000: 309; Zahradník 2007: 348; Toskina 2013: 39; Nardi 2014: 45, 2015: 90; Audisio et al. 2015; Zahradník 2016: 102; Lompe 2020.

  • Dryophilus forticornis was described on the basis of about fifteen female syntypes from “Jaffa, Beyrouth, Mersina (Syrie)” (Abeille de Perrin 1875: 212); these cities now belong, respectively, to Israel, Lebanon and Asiatic Turkey. Since a lectotype has not been designated, the type locality encompasses the three above cities (ICZN 1999: Article 73.2.3).

  • This species was, until present, recorded from Croatia (cf. Zahradník 2016), Italy, Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and Asiatic Turkey (Zahradník et al. 2000; Zahradník 2007, 2016), whereas the old generic record for “M [= Méditerranéen = Mediterranean Sea]” by Bodenheimer (1937) is arbitrarily extensive.

  • Adults of this species have been collected by beating dead branches and flowering shrubs (Abeille de Perrin 1875) and with light traps (Bodenheimer 1932). No other data are available on its ecology.

  • Kiesenwetter (1877: 94) provided the sole precise Italian locality for this species: “Messina [Sicily]”. Nevertheless, as stated by Ragusa (1896), Kiesenwetter (1877) simply listed the toponyms given in the original description of the species (Abeille de Perrin 1872), but erroneously wrote “Messina” instead of “Mersina (Syrie)”.

  • This correction by Ragusa (1896) was later overlooked, with few exceptions (i.e., Schilsky 1899; Reitter 1901; Bertolini 1904; Jacobson 1915; Halperin & Español 1978; Zahradník 1998), and the species was repeatedly mentioned generically from Sicily (Schilsky 1898; Heyden 1906; PIC 1912; Winkler 1927; Luigioni 1929; Porta 1929; Audisio et al. 1995; Sparacio 1997; Zahradník et al. 2000; Audisio et al. 2015) or Italy (Zahradník 2002; Toskina 2013; Lompe 2020), and it was consequently included also in the Red Lists of Italian saproxylic beetles (Nardi 2014, 2015). In reality, D. forticornis must be excluded from the Italian fauna, since no specimen from Italy has so far been recorded (see above) or examined (F. Angelini & G. Nardi, unpublished data).

  • Zahradník (2016) listed this species also from Croatia, but only on the basis of the catalogues of Reitter (1883) and Heyden (1891), and based on Novak (1952). Reitter (1883) and Heyden (1891) recorded the species only from Dalmatia (without further details); this historical geographic region is currently divided between Croatia, Montenegro and, for a small part, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Nevertheless, in a following edition of one of the above catalogues (Heyden 1906), D. forticornis was listed only from Sicily. Novak (1952) referred to an old (1885) record from the island of Hvar (= Lesina) in Croatian Dalmatia based on a colleague's card index. However, this record of D. forticornis appears incorrect, as this species is absent in other parts of the Balkans (Zahradník 2015, 2016), and the island of Hvar (Croatia) would be a north-western station disjoined from the rest of its range; zoogeography suggests that this species is endemic to the Near East (cf. Vigna Taglianti et al. 1999: 38).

  • Acknowledgements

    I would like to thank Davide Badano (Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome) for the revision of the manuscript, Paolo Audisio (Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome), Leonardo Latella (Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, Verona), Franco Mason (Verona), Angelo Nardi (Cisterna di Latina, Latina), Roberto Poggi (Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “G. Doria”, Genoa), Laura Spada (Centro Nazionale Carabinieri Biodiversità “Bosco Fontana”, Marmirolo, Mantua) and Dmitry Telnov (Natural History Museum, London), for their constant support. Finally, a special thank you to the recently departed Fernando Angelini (Francavilla Fontana, Brindisi) for his support and encouragement over many years.



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    Gianluca Nardi "On records of Dryophilus forticornis Abeille de Perrin, 1875 (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) from Italy and Croatia," Integrative Systematics: Stuttgart Contributions to Natural History 4(1), 215-217, (30 June 2021).
    Received: 21 May 2021; Accepted: 9 June 2021; Published: 30 June 2021
    Near East
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