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30 June 2022 Erratum: Trait evolution of the male genitalia in the speciose genus Caenis, with emphasis on forcipes structure (Insecta: Ephemeroptera: Caenidae). Integrative Systematics 5 (1): 1–16

Due to an editorial oversight, in the recent article by Peter Malzacher titled “Trait evolution of the male genitalia in the speciose genus Caenis, with emphasis on forcipes structure (Insecta: Ephemeroptera: Caenidae)“ that appeared in Integrative Systematics 5 (1): 1–16 (, Table 1 was inadvertently omitted from the article. It is provided hereunder together with its caption:

Table 1.

Table 1.

Character states in the forcipes of Caenis s.l. and related genera

"Erratum: Trait evolution of the male genitalia in the speciose genus Caenis, with emphasis on forcipes structure (Insecta: Ephemeroptera: Caenidae). Integrative Systematics 5 (1): 1–16," Integrative Systematics: Stuttgart Contributions to Natural History 5(1), 109, (30 June 2022).
Published: 30 June 2022
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