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9 August 2022 Clinicopathologic Findings in Chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) Administered Amikacin Through Intravenous Regional Limb Perfusion
Lorelei L. Clarke, Cameron Ratliff, Christoph Mans
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Regional limb perfusion (RLP) has been used to treat cases of distal limb infections in avian species. Potentially nephrotoxic drugs, such as amikacin, may increase the risk of nephrotoxicity with RLP because of the presence of the renal portal system and direct venous blood flow from the pelvic limbs to the kidneys. In a randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled study, the safety of repeated amikacin administration (20 mg/kg q24h for 3 doses) via RLP was evaluated in healthy female chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus; n = 8 treatment, n = 8 saline control group). Plasma uric acid concentrations were not significantly elevated in treated birds compared with the control group at any time point following RLP. One week following the final RLP, birds were necropsied and the kidneys evaluated grossly and histologically. There was no significant difference in renal pathology scores between treated and control birds or between kidneys ipsilateral to the perfused limb and contralateral kidneys. This study concludes that RLP of amikacin at high doses produced no discernable renal pathology in healthy euhydrated chickens.

© 2022 by the Association of Avian Veterinarians
Lorelei L. Clarke, Cameron Ratliff, and Christoph Mans "Clinicopathologic Findings in Chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) Administered Amikacin Through Intravenous Regional Limb Perfusion," Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 36(2), 187-191, (9 August 2022).
Published: 9 August 2022
Gallus gallus domesticus
regional limb perfusion
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