A 3-year-old male saker falcon (Falco cherrug) was presented with a history of hyperflexion of the first digit of the left pelvic limb with what appeared to be a hypercontracted distal end of the deep digital flexor tendon (m. flexor hallucis longus). Conservative treatment, bandaging, and splinting techniques failed to resolve the hypercontraction of the deep digital flexor tendon and improve digit function. Intraoperatively, the deep digital flexor tendon was found to have formed adhesions with the tendon sheath as well as the bone and soft tissue structures underneath it, impeding its ability to move freely within the tendon sheath. The adhesions were surgically resolved, and the tendon was lengthened by hemisectioning the deep digital flexor tendon at its distal end. Postsurgically, the digit was maintained in an extended position by bandaging. Mild physiotherapy was provided at 5-day intervals to retain function and prevent adhesions. Digit extensibility and function were restored to nearly normal levels after 4 weeks.