Zhang, P.C., 2020. Design and implementation of marine ship tracking system based on multi-target tracking algorithm. In: Al-Tarawneh, O. and Megahed, A. (eds.), Recent Developments of Port, Marine, and Ocean Engineering. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 110, pp. 47–49. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
In order to realize the multiple target tracking in a complicated Marine environment, we design a Marine ship tracking system based on the multiple target tracking algorithm. Based on an overview of the principles of distributed adaptive multi-sensor multi-target tracking algorithm, we use MO components to create ocean ship tracking system platform, achieve the real-time massive amounts of data processing, and has a good human-computer interaction interface, as well as realize the C ++ language efficiency and visualization functions, it provides a system platform for the tracking, positioning, command and dispatch of marine ships.