In the catalogue of sea-level indicators, beachrock plays a significant role because of its wide distribution and extension on long stretches of coastlines. Most publications, however, deal with beachrock cements rather than their incorporation into the coastal environment and its evolution. The relic character and age of most beachrocks has been overlooked, and beachrocks are called “modern” because of their position at or close to sea level. The question arises as to why we have so many beachrocks in a state of destruction, but nearly none in statu nascendi today. An examination of the extension and thickness of cementation, and of the independent indicators of the sea-level history in beachrock occurrences suggests that the relation of beachrock cementation to the tidal levels or to a water table in the beach sediments is very doubtful. There are many more arguments and proofs that place beachrock cementation within the supratidal environment. Only by taking into consideration all aspects of coastal evolution at a certain site can beach-rock be used as a tool for identifying part of a coast's evolutionary history.
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1 November 2006
Beachrock as Sea-Level Indicator? Remarks from a Geomorphological Point of View
Dieter Kelletat
archaeological evidence
Supratidal cementation