Kimberley Coast, Western Australia

Kimberley Coast, Western Australia. This image shows varied coastal forms in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. In the far background is the hinterland of the dissected Kimberly Plateau; scattered though this terrain are conical and domal hills that, if inundated, would form conical and domal islands. In the middle ground is the coast cut into this terrain: to the left, is a wave-dominated stretch of coast comprised of gravel resting at the base of steep slope and, to the right, on the more protected side of a tombolo, are mangroves and a tidal flat; a small, broadly u-shaped re-entrant between the two, visible immediately behind the central island, is inhabited by mangroves. The prominent feature in the foreground is a conical island of eroding, jointed, bedded sandstone linked to the mainland by a sandy tombolo that is asymmetrically flanked by mangroves. The cliffed island, from supratidal to subtidal, is circumferentially bordered, in turn, by (1) scree slopes; (2) a storm-level supratidal gravel bleached by salt weathering; this gravel is partly wave-emplaced and partly the wave-reworked and wave-washed lower part of the scree slope; (3) an upper-tidal zone of algae-covered gravel sheets, and rock pavements with local gravel veneers; (4) a low-tidal zone of fringing coralline algal reef (boundstones), which is the conspicuous, relatively smooth, flat inundated area evident mainly to the right of the island; and (5) low-tidal to subtidal coral reef boundstones marking the edge of the drop-off zone that borders deep water. Jointing and the control of jointing of shore morphology are both evident in the rock pavement to the front left and to the right of the island. The Kimberley Coast is described in detail in Brocx and Semeniuk (2011).




Brocx, M. and Semeniuk, V., 2011. The global geoheritage significance of the Kimberley Coast, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 94, 57–88. Google Scholar
©Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Inc. 2018
"Kimberley Coast, Western Australia," Journal of Coastal Research 34(5), (1 September 2018).
Published: 1 September 2018
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