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1 March 2002 Phytoplankton composition of Empordà salt marshes, Spain and its response to freshwater flux regulation
Xavier D. Quintana, Ramon Moreno-Amich
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A description is given of the response of phytoplankton composition to eutrophication caused by an increase in fresh water flux in four Empordà salt marsh basins. Cyanobacteria and mixotrophic phytoplankters (especially haptophytes and dinoflagellates) are the most abundant organisms in these basins. Under stable conditions, cyanobacteria take competitive advantage of the lack of inorganic nitrogen caused by confinement. Mixotrophs dominate coinciding with water inputs. The importance of the allochthonous supply probably favours mixotrophs, which may also take nitrogen heterotrophically. The phytoplankton-invertebrate biomass ratio (P/I) and the chlorophyll-phytoplankton biovolume ratio (Chl/BV) respond differently to stabilisation of freshwater input, depending on the degree of eutrophy of the basins. Thus, in more eutrophic basins flux regulation causes an increase in P/I and a decrease in Chl/BV, indicating higher density of mixotrophs and lesser density of invertebrates. Less eutrophic basins respond in the opposite fashion.

Phytoplankton composition of Empordà salt marshes, Spain and its response to freshwater flux regulation
©Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Inc. 2002
Xavier D. Quintana and Ramon Moreno-Amich "Phytoplankton composition of Empordà salt marshes, Spain and its response to freshwater flux regulation," Journal of Coastal Research 36(sp1), 581-590, (1 March 2002).
Published: 1 March 2002
chlorophyll / biovolume ratio
Mediterranean wetlands
mixotrophic behaviour
phytoplankton / invertebrate ratio
temporary marshes
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